The Limited Times

Truss new leader Tory, from tomorrow premier GB

9/5/2022, 12:12:09 PM

Liz Truss, 47, incumbent foreign minister, has been elected as the new leader of the British Conservative Party, a majority force in the House of Commons, and will take over as prime minister - the third woman in UK history - from tomorrow. . (ANSA)

(ANSA) - LONDON, SEPTEMBER 05 - Liz Truss, 47, Foreign Minister in office, has been elected as the new leader of the British Conservative Party, majority force in the House of Commons, and will take over as premier from tomorrow - the third woman in the history of the United Kingdom - the resigning Boris Johnson, forced to step aside in July in the wake of scandals and internal Tory convictions.

Truss, as widely expected, defeated the former Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak from Indian family members by a clear margin in the final ballot decided by the postal vote of the members.


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