The Limited Times

Ukraine war: Ukrainians make "real gains" in counter

9/5/2022, 8:17:34 PM

Badly damaged river crossings, artillery shelling, attacks by ground troops: According to London, Ukraine has made great progress against the invading army from Moscow in the south of the country.

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UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace: 'Ukraine has severely damaged a number of river crossings'


According to the British defense minister, the Ukrainian troops are making "real gains" in their counter-offensive in the south of the country.

That's what Ben Wallace said in Parliament in London.

"Ukraine has severely damaged a number of river crossings in an attempt to limit Russian supplies," Wallace said.

Moscow's invading army is being both artillery shelled and attacked by ground troops.

The Russian losses in soldiers and equipment are also still significant, he says.

"This will have long-term effects on the Russian army and its future combat effectiveness."

According to estimates by the British, Russia has suffered around 25,000 deaths in its ranks so far in the course of the war.

In total, the Russian invasion forces lost around 80,000 men through deaths, imprisonment, desertion and others, Wallace said.

However, the minister made it clear that the Ukrainians are also currently suffering losses in their offensive.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had previously reported on liberated settlements in the south:

Since the beginning of the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine at the end of February, the British government has regularly published intelligence information about its progress.

Moscow accuses London of a targeted disinformation campaign.
