The Limited Times

Unfulfilled decrees for 7.8 billion, dragons run to recover them

9/5/2022, 5:36:06 PM

Palazzo Chigi, the resources will not be lost. Additional treasury hypothesis (ANSA)

 As of 2 September, between the Conte and Draghi governments, there are 392 "inactuated" or "expired" decrees, for about 7.8 billion.

Of the 271 of the Draghi government, 64 have not yet expired, 118 are without term and 92 have expired.

This is what emerges by crossing the data of a table that is circulating between the ministries and those of Palazzo Chigi which underlines both the efforts made to reduce the backward decrees by 82.2% (passed from 679 in February 2021 to 121 today) , as much as the "lash" impressed by the premier to get as close as possible to the zeroing of the stock, also to "reuse" the resources. A possible additional treasury.

Whatever happens - is the belief of Palazzo Chigi - the money will not be lost.

From the date of its inauguration to today - it is emphasized -, this government, in order to cope also with the various national and international emergencies that have arisen, has adopted many legislative acts, from which 732 implementing measures have been envisaged.

Of these, as of 2 September 2022, 461 have already been adopted and 271 to be adopted.

Of the 271 to be adopted, 61 (and not 64 as initially communicated, ed) have an unexpired term, 118 have no term and 92 with expired term ". Not only:" A target has been assigned for the months of September and October total of 243 measures, which will also allow the adoption of those decrees of the Draghi government with an expiration period between September and October "." The presidency of the Council of Ministers has a target of 18 measures (9 per month) which provide for the adoption of the 16 measures of the Draghi Government plus 2 of the previous Governments.

Among these "there is" also the dpcm of the publishing funds ", still remark from Palazzo Chigi.

Among the measures that expired in 2021

there is the one for the definition of the procedures for the stipulation of contracts for works contracts and supply of goods or services for the activities of the Agency aimed at the protection of national security for the cyber space ". For this decree" of a regulatory nature " , "we are in the phase of acquiring the opinions required by law", remark the offices. As for the adoption of the national strategy against energy poverty and the determination of technical standards and measures to moderate the use of public lighting devices ( expiring on July 27), on the other hand, "are foreseen in the September target of the Ministry of Ecological Transition - it is specified -.

Same goes for the decree of the Minister of Labor,