The Limited Times

VIDEO. Paris: two-thirds of teachers at Léon-Gambetta college on strike

9/5/2022, 3:23:52 PM

At the Léon-Gambetta college in Paris, in the 20th arrondissement, 24 out of 31 teachers were on strike on Monday, the first day of resumption of

At the Léon Gambetta college in Paris, in the 20th arrondissement, more than two-thirds of the teachers were on strike on Monday, the first day of resumption of classes.

The teachers deplore the lack of means, a lack of staff and are asking for a qualification of their establishment in REP (priority education network) to be able to better support the 580 students in the college.

Last week, they had already mobilized to obtain the five teaching posts which had remained vacant in the establishment.

Since this weekend, these positions have been allocated.

“Of our 580 students, we have about 90% of students from priority education networks.

I put myself in their place.

What is it that in primary school they had more human resources, there were fewer per class, and that there, when crossing the street to come to college, what is it that they don't have more these means?

“Asks Marion Bielli, professor of SVT who is one of the 24 professors out of the 31 in the establishment to strike on Monday.

Read alsoVIDEO.

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Jean-Luc Kharitonnoff, history-geography teacher at the Léon Gambetta college for 15 years, also deplores the lack of means and the lack of personnel.

“We are still missing a post for a social worker, a nurse, we are missing a maintenance worker.

Even the school doctor, we only have him half a day a fortnight, ”protests the teacher.

His colleagues also denounce the lack of support for students with disabilities (AESH) in the college.

Monday morning, the students who wished were still able to be welcomed into the establishment.

Some parents appeared in front of the college in order to be able to discuss with the striking teachers.

“What is happening in national education is shame!

Silvia annoys, in support of the strikers, and mother of a student who is returning to 6th grade.

Like her, other parents side with the teachers, but others, on the other hand, castigate a “hard” return to school for their child, as is the case with Joëlle, whose son also enters 6th grade.

Stéphane, father of a pupil in 4th grade, understands the action of the strikers but regrets the fact "that it is the pupils who toast".

The Léon Gambetta college was one of the two establishments on strike on Monday, with the Seligmann college, in the 10th arrondissement.

After a general meeting held in the afternoon, the teachers decided not to renew the strike.

Classes will resume as normal on Tuesday.