The Limited Times

Boos and self-references at Meghan Markle's first speech in the UK after two years away

9/6/2022, 8:24:03 PM

The Duke and Duchess of Sussex return to the home country of Henry of England for a series of charity events, but without public meetings with the British royal family

More than two and a half years have passed since Harry and Meghan Markle walked out the door and left their lives, the Windsors and the United Kingdom behind.

In these months, his visits have been few, dropper, and very discreet.

However, when the pandemic is practically over, after completely rebuilding their lives in California and with an obviously tense (and difficult to unwind) relationship with the British royal family, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have decided to return to Enrique's home country for in style, with several public events and with a spot on the front page of all the British newspapers.

The couple arrived in England several days ago.

They spent the weekend in Windsor, at Frogmore Cottage, just 100 meters from Adelaide Cottage, the new residence of William and Kate Middleton, with whom there has been no news of an encounter.

The coldness between the brothers is evident, and not even their brief meeting at the Elizabeth II Jubilee last June managed to bring them closer, neither in public nor in private.

More information

Coldness and an incurable gap: neither the Jubilee nor Lilibet managed to bring William and Henry of England closer

The couple arrived in London on a regular flight, as reported by the British media, who have followed their steps carefully.

This Monday, September 5, was their big day, when they traveled by train to Manchester, where Markle gave a talk on leadership to 2,000 young people, and returned to the capital shortly after.

This Tuesday they have traveled to Germany for the presentation of the Invictus Games —a sports competition for veterans and war wounded created by Henry of England—, which in its 2023 edition will be held in Dusseldorf.

On Thursday the couple will attend the WellChild Awards Foundation's awards ceremony, which recognizes young Britons who, despite suffering from illness or mobility problems, have achieved significant achievements.

Meghan Markle, in Manchester, on September 5, 2022, during her speech at the One Young World Summit, at Bridgewater Hall.OLI SCARFF (AFP)

That is to say, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are carrying out what on another occasion would have all the traces of an official act or even a small tour if they were still members of the royal family, only now they do it as members of civil society.

Or at least officially.

Although it is true that they are no longer part of the British royal family nor do they have the title of Their Royal Highnesses, they are still dukes and, in the case of Enrique, grandson of Elizabeth II.

Something that gives them status and constant media attention.

Upon entering Manchester's Bridgewater Hall, the Duke and Duchess were booed by a handful of attendees (who yelled "fake


" at them) and cheered by a few others, British media have reported.

It was Markle who spoke to the 2,000 gathered at the One Young World Summit.

Before the audience, the duchess defined herself as "the girl from


(the television series about lawyers where she acted and that catapulted her to fame), and also talked about how her life has changed in these years since her relationship with Henry of England was made public.

She talked about gender equality, the importance and the vital change that having become a mother meant – first of Archie, in May 2019;

after Lilibet, in June 2021—and her pride in being hers;

and of her experience as a duchess.

She spoke, above all, about her: as the Daily Mail

tabloid has compiled

, in the seven minutes of talk she made up to 54 direct references to herself, with words like "I", "my" or "me".

The Dukes of Sussex, Enrique and Meghan Markle, upon their arrival in Dusseldorf (Germany) for the presentation of the 2023 Invictus Games, on September 6.

Martin Meissner (AP)

Dressed in pants and a red blouse, both signed by Valentino, Markle was observed from the public by her husband.

The youngest son of Charles of England and Diana of Wales came as a mere spectator to support his wife in this talk, avoiding being the protagonist and giving what would have been his first speech as a former member of the royal family.

He will gain more strength in Dusseldorf, in the presentation of the Invictus, a project that is both an important personal commitment;

while at the awards ceremony on Thursday both will go back together.

What is unknown is whether, after their actions, they will return to the United States or spend a few days in the United Kingdom.

Although the Sussexes have a house in Windsor (where Eugenie of York, Prince Andrew's daughter and Henry's cousin now lives), next to Elizabeth II's castle, the queen is now not there, but at Balmoral.

A sovereign who is not going through her best moment of health – from the palace there is talk of “mobility problems” – so much so that she has decided to receive the new prime minister, Liz Truss, in Scotland, instead of in Buckingham, for the first time in 70 years.

It is not confirmed that her grandson will travel to see her (the last time was in June, for the Jubilee).

But, if she goes, it is most likely that there will not even be images of that meeting.