The Limited Times

Liz Truss from the queen, formally becomes prime minister

9/6/2022, 11:42:27 AM

The succession to Johnson has been made official, she is the British premier number 15: 'I'll be a real Tory'. Boris: 'Proud of what I have done'. Moscow: 'We do not expect changes in relations with London' (ANSA)

Liz Truss is at the Scottish royal residence of Balmoral

for 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth's formal designation as the new British premier and the so-called "hand-kissing" ceremony (which can be a bow or a handshake) to Her Majesty.

The new Tory leader, 47, who succeeded Boris Johnson, thus becomes Prime Minister number 15 in the seven decades of Elizabeth's reign, the 56th in the history of the island since the office was established.

In the afternoon, when you return to London, you will take possession of the Downing Street residence with a short speech and you will then begin to formalize the appointments of ministers.

Boris Johnson took his leave

this morning from Downing Street before traveling to Balmoral in Scotland to "pass the baton" to Liz Truss, as she said.

In front of family members and supporters, he reiterated that he was proud of what he had done in his 3 years of government, emphasizing the military support given to Kiev against Russia and which he said could help Ukraine turn the tide "of the worst war in Europe in 40 years ", but also the drop in unemployment.

As for the current economic crisis, he has blamed part of the blame on Vladimir Putrin who, in any case, will never be able to "bully" the Kingdom and its people.

Johnson said he wanted to "go back to the plow" of behind-the-scenes political work, and thus indirectly confirmed that he wanted to keep his seat as a deputy to guarantee "the most fervent support" to his heir Liz Truss, hitherto foreign minister. proclaimed elected yesterday as the new Tory leader in his replacement and destined to succeed him later as premier after the handover in the hands of the queen at Balmoral.

BoJo then claimed his work and thanked "the British people" among other things in a passionate tone.

A female premier - third in British history and as conservative as the other two

- to try to revive the legislature and give a shock to a UK threatened by the crisis through the promise of an acceleration to the right perhaps unprecedented in programs and rhetoric.

Liz Truss, born in 1975, is now the new leader of the Conservative Party, a majority force in Westminster: chosen by the membership base to automatically succeed Boris Johnson, who was overwhelmed by scandals and conspiracies in July, in the chair of prime minister.

The widely awaited proclamation came with the reading of the result of the final runoff between her, the incumbent Foreign Minister who remained loyal to BoJo until the last minute, and the 42-year-old Rishi Sunak, former Chancellor of the Exchequer of Indian family roots who a month and a half ago, with his exit from the government,

had paved the way for the fall of the triumphant of the political elections three years ago.

Liz, certified Sir Graham Brady, president of the 1922 Committee that oversees the showdown in the Tory house, collected 57.4% of the votes of the 172,000 votes cast by the militants against Sunak's 42.6: a net advantage, even if less overflowing than expected by some surveys;

and about ten points lower than Boris Johnson's score in 2019.

ANSA agency

Liz Truss, Downing Street dreaming of Thatcher - World

For now, pale imitation.

Third female premier in GB history (ANSA)

In any case, more than enough margin to open the door to 10 Downing Street for her and to guarantee her the usual ovation of the party audience.

She gathered in Westminster, on the day of the reopening of the Chambers after the summer recess, to cheerfully attend - beyond the continuing internal divisions - the traditional ceremony of the announcement.

Then followed the podium debut of the neoleader: ready at this point to inherit the reins of the government from Johnson tomorrow, as part of a handover that 96-year-old Queen Elizabeth - unable to make an extra trip of a thousand kilometers to London - will chair for the first time from the Scottish summer residence of Balmoral, receiving in quick succession the 14th and 15th premier of his 70-year reign as a highlander.

Monocord as always, in his blue ton sur ton suit with the colors of the Tory banners, Truss has meanwhile announced himself by reiterating the slogans of a "courageous" platform, a "true conservative".

Made of references to the myth of the iron lady Margaret Thatcher and a commitment to a substantial programmatic continuity (if not on the most controversial aspects of individual behavior) with respect to "Boris": the man who from mid-ranking minister 12 months ago l 'had promoted holder of the Foreign Office;

and that she received the last grateful homage tonight from the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelensky.

A full continuity in foreign policy, marked in particular by the desire to remain at the forefront of Kiev's support, including military support, against the

Russian invasion (not without going so far as to proclaim the nuclear deterrent), as well as to stand up to the EU on the Northern Ireland protocol and other post-divorce dossiers;

corrected by ideologically more rigid tones of a laissez-faire matrix in economic matters, with the promise of aid to families against expensive life and energy bills obscured - in a time of record inflation - by that of a generalized tax cut, rich in mind , to privilege "growth over redistribution".

In the meantime, congratulations from allies and partners (including Mario Draghi and Giorgia Meloni) bounce back from the world.

Seasoned, in the case of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, with the hope-warning on the need for "a constructive relationship" with Brussels based on "

ANSA agency

Truss, 'thanks Boris for Brexit, I'll go your way' - World

New premier pays homage to Johnson, 'you are admired by Kiev in Carlisle' (ANSA)

Quoted by Tass,

the Kremlin

for its part stresses that it does not expect changes in relations between Moscow and London with the arrival of Liz Truss in Downing Street as the new British prime minister.

And while she prepares her government team, Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov goes on the attack and argues that the new premier "tries to compensate for Britain's loss of influence in Europe with

aggressive actions regarding the situation in Ukraine".

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