The Limited Times

USA: Israel will be pressured to change the instructions for opening fire in the West Bank - voila! News

9/6/2022, 7:06:14 PM

The deputy spokesman for the US State Department said in a press briefing that following the conclusions of the IDF's investigation which determined that the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla was most likely killed by soldiers, Israel must take steps that will reduce the danger of harm to civilians and protect journalists

USA: Israel will be pressured to change the instructions for opening fire in the West Bank

The deputy spokesman for the US State Department said in a press briefing that following the conclusions of the IDF's investigation which determined that the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla was most likely killed by soldiers, Israel must take steps that will reduce the danger of harm to civilians and protect journalists

Barak Ravid


Tuesday, September 6, 2022, 9:44 p.m. Updated: 9:57 p.m.

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On video: Documentation from the body cameras of the IDF soldiers from the Jenin refugee camp on the day journalist Shirin Abu-Aqla was killed (Photo: DOC)

The US intends to pressure Israel to re-examine the instructions to open fire in the West Bank and to take measures that will reduce the danger of harming civilians and protect journalists. This is to prevent incidents like the one in which the Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla was killed, he said this evening (Tuesday). Deputy spokesperson of the US State Department at the daily press briefing.

Abu-Aqla (photo: official website, from Facebook)

A senior IDF officer said in a press briefing yesterday that the IDF investigation found that there was no deviation from the instructions to open fire during the operation in Jenin on May 11 and that there were no flaws in the early briefing that the soldiers went through before the operation.

A few weeks ago it was published in Vala!

Because American Secretary of State Tony Blinken requested in a telephone conversation with Defense Minister Benny Gantz that Israel reconsider the instructions to open fire in the West Bank in light of the incident in which the American-Palestinian journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla was killed.

More in Walla!

The killing of the journalist in Jenin: the IDF has changed direction, but it is doubtful whether this will calm the criticism in the world

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  • news

  • Political-political


  • Shirin Abu Aqla

  • United States

  • Opening fire