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33 illegal immigrants stranded on a boat off the coast of Malta

9/8/2022, 4:13:53 PM

Rome, SANA- The humanitarian organization Watch the Med announced that a boat carrying 33 illegal immigrants had broken down in the waters


The humanitarian organization Watch the Med announced that a boat carrying 33 illegal immigrants broke down in the Mediterranean waters off the coast of Malta.

The Italian news agency Aki quoted the Arm Phone Project of Watch the Med as saying in a tweet on Twitter: The migrants left North Africa seven days ago and their boat's engine has stopped while it is floundering in the water and they need to intervene to rescue them immediately.

Italian security sources announced that the immigration boats continued to dock on the coast of the Sicilian island of Lampedusa, to which more than 300 migrants arrived within 24 hours.

The sources added: The migrants arrived on small boats in addition to fishing boats.

The Missing Migrants Project of the International Organization for Migration recently confirmed that migration across the Mediterranean is the most dangerous migration route in the world, explaining that the number of deaths from migrants has risen to more than 49,000 people since 2014, according to the project's records.

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