The Limited Times

Death of Elizabeth II: in Paris, the emotion of the British community

9/9/2022, 5:43:30 PM

REPORT – The death of Queen Elizabeth II particularly affects the British living in the capital, who await the tributes to come.

The day after the death of Elizabeth II, the emotion was palpable in the streets of Paris.

“The queen was 96: her death is not a surprise, but a huge part of our life disappears with her”

, testifies Nicholas Hammond, director of the British School of Paris.

Located in Croissy-sur-Seine (Yvelines), this establishment welcomes 584 students, aged 3 to 18, who follow the English curriculum.

To discover

  • LIVE- Death of Elizabeth II: follow minute by minute reactions to the death of the Queen of England

On this Friday morning, the entire educational community gathered on the junior school football field for two minutes of silence.

"A strong moment, because we were all together, which does not happen very often"

, describes Christina, 15 years old.

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Elizabeth II, a great queen who knew how to embody the immutable England

Thursday, it was his father, who works at the British Embassy in France, who told him the news of the critical condition of the queen.

“I had a hard time believing it… It felt unreal to me.

Throughout my life, and that of my family too, it has been a point of stability

, ”says the young girl in almost perfect French.

“She will never be forgotten”

"Today, I am…

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