The Limited Times

La Semaine du FigaroVox - "Elizabeth II: a life devoted to duty, the complete opposite of the contemporary ego"

9/9/2022, 6:25:25 PM

Find every Saturday the selection of FigaroVox: decryptions, points of view and controversies. Dear subscribers, There are people who seem to bear witness to an era greater than our own and whom we regret without idealizing it. It is not only their great age that imposes and connects them to history, but above all their vision of existence. Elizabeth II embodied the complete submission of the ego to office, the sacrifice of personal aspirations to duty and the state. In France, the aspira

Dear subscribers,

There are people who seem to bear witness to an era greater than our own and whom we regret without idealizing it.

It is not only their great age that imposes and connects them to history, but above all their vision of existence.

Elizabeth II embodied the complete submission of the ego to office, the sacrifice of personal aspirations to duty and the state.

In France, the aspirants to the supreme magistracy, for fifteen years, love to proclaim that they are "free".

This is hardly reassuring, as the formula can mean that the parties concerned do not feel bound by any obligation towards anyone.

Elizabeth II, she represented the antithesis of such a state of mind.

Everyone felt it and was grateful to him.

On FigaroVox, the best connoisseurs of Elizabeth II and the British monarchy - Stéphane Bern, Franck Ferrand, Professor Frédéric Rouvillois - give you their analyzes and thoughts on the deceased sovereign.

Have a nice week end…

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