The Limited Times

North Korea has officially declared itself a nuclear weapon state - voila! news

9/9/2022, 2:18:57 AM

The country's leader Kim Jong Un has stated that there will be no more talks on the issue of nuclear disarmament, and that his country will never give up its nuclear weapons. The new law establishes the conditions under which North Korea will be able to attack with nuclear weapons - in the event of an invasion, of a serious threat to the peace of its citizens or of a weapons of mass destruction attack

North Korea has officially declared itself a nuclear weapon state

The country's leader Kim Jong Un has stated that there will be no more talks on the issue of nuclear disarmament, and that his country will never give up its nuclear weapons.

The new law establishes the conditions under which North Korea will be able to attack with nuclear weapons - in the event of an invasion, of a serious threat to the peace of its citizens or of a weapons of mass destruction attack

news agencies


Friday, September 09, 2022, 04:55 Updated: 05:03

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In the video: Kim Jong Un carries the coffin of a senior military officer (Photo: Reuters)

North Korea announced last night (Thursday) that it has passed a law that allows it to automatically attack targets of its enemies with nuclear weapons, if there is an immediate threat with weapons of mass destruction.

In doing so, North Korea officially declared itself a nuclear weapon state, a status that, according to the country's leader Kim Jong Un, can no longer be reversed.

Kim said that his country would never give up its nuclear weapons, and that there would be no more talks on the issue of nuclear disarmament.

The meaning of the new law, said Kim, is that it will not be possible to bargain over the nuclear weapons in his country's possession.

Kim also said that the possession of nuclear weapons is a legitimate right.

According to him, the use of this weapon would be a last resort in the event of an invasion or attack that would seriously endanger the peace of the citizens of North Korea.

Peace, Kim said, would only be possible through force to deter what he called "imperialist arrogance."

The new law also prohibits the sharing of nuclear knowledge or technology by any other country.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a speech at the National Assembly on the occasion of the nuclear law, September 8, 2022 (Photo: Reuters)

North Korea has already declared itself in its constitution as a state possessing nuclear weapons.

The new law adds to the previous declaration the conditions under which Korea is allowed to launch a nuclear attack.

In recent months, the Biden administration in the United States has expressed its willingness to hold negotiations with Kim anytime and anywhere.

South Korea has offered the North significant economic aid if it shows willingness to give up its arsenal.

North Korea has rebuffed these appeals by saying that the United States and South Korea are hostile countries, which continue to impose sanctions on it and conduct military exercises that are inconsistent with their claim that they want peace.

"As long as there are nuclear weapons on earth, and imperialism continues to exist, and the maneuvers of the United States and its allies against our republic do not stop, our effort to strengthen our nuclear power will not stop," Kim said.

More in Walla!

North Korea threatens: prepared to deploy "nuclear deterrents"

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  • North Korea

  • Kim Jong Un

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