The Limited Times

Photos of the Queen frame London's streets and stations

9/9/2022, 2:37:44 PM

In the age of digital media, there was no longer a paper newspaper in London today, the day after the death of Elizabeth II in the middle of the morning. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - LONDON, 09 SEPT - In the era of digital media, today in London, the day after the death of Elizabeth II at mid-morning, there was no longer a paper newspaper.

At the Victoria station in the heart of the city there is not a copy of the newspapers that today bear the face of the sovereign who disappeared at the age of 96.

    However, the image of the queen appears in a blow-up on a luminous billboard, next to the arrivals and departures panel.

   And from there she seems to dominate the lobby of the railway yard, she seems to observe the swarm of Londoners, commuters, shop assistants, workers, city boys, the same variegated world that has changed under her eyes in 70 years of reign.

    The image of Elizabeth II appears framed at the bus stops: there is no lack of tourists who do not take a selfie.

    You approach Buckingham Palace where the line to the palace gates has formed distinctly.

The cops give directions.

Many languages ​​are spoken in a row.

   There are those who have their luggage with them: he does not want to leave London without saying goodbye to the Queen.

And then there are the flowers, bouquets of all shapes and sizes.

The rain that arrives at times does not discourage anyone: the umbrella is opened and we proceed.

    There are whole families, some with small children.

There are Izzy and Deborah, they are twenty years old.

They are not Londoners, they come from Essex and for today they had already made an appointment for a long time to see each other in the city.

But instead of stopping at a cafe to tell each other their stories, they bought a deck of yellow roses for Elizabeth II.

"We want to say goodbye - he explains speaking to ANSA -. It is the end of an era. We know nothing else. Our parents know nothing else. She is a pop icon, she is a British icon. feels close. An inspiration ".