The Limited Times

Stéphane Bern: "The queen had died long before we heard the news"

9/9/2022, 1:37:02 PM

The future of King Charles III, the position of Prince Harry… The specialist in the British monarchy analyzes the impact of the death of Elizabeth II on the royal family.

Everything happened so fast.

And as always, information relating to the major events punctuating the destiny of the British monarchy was distilled sparingly.

On September 8 at midday, we learned that Elizabeth II, whose state of health was considered “worrying” by her doctors, was placed under medical assistance at Balmoral.

Then that the members of the royal family immediately went to his bedside: a clear sign that the sovereign was living her last moments.

The day after his death, announced at the start of the evening, Stéphane Bern, specialist in crowned heads, looks backstage at a decisive day for the history of the royal family, and the sometimes tense ties between its members.

As well as on the future of the latter.

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Madame Figaro

.- The royal family arrived very quickly at the bedside of the queen, after the announcement made about her "worrying" state of health.

Was this a sign that the inevitable was about to happen?

Stéphane Bern .-

Of course, but she had already died long before we heard the news.

There is a rule in Great Britain: you don't announce the death of a sovereign in the evening papers.

So it was announced at 7:30 p.m. so that then the information would be in the


and the

Daily Telegraph

the next morning.

And, perhaps, to leave some privacy to the royal family in the first hours of their mourning?

Yes, but only Princess Anne and King Charles were at her bedside when she died, according to British royal chroniclers.

In video, Elizabeth II, a popular queen

Charles and Elizabeth, an inseparable “duo”

In his first press release,

King Charles refers to his “beloved mother”


Did the bond between them ever loosen?


It's true that she didn't quite understand that he was divorcing him, that he wasn't fighting for his marriage any more.

But Elizabeth and Charles were a duo: when you are sovereign, you can get angry, but not with your heir.

They had a seemingly cold relationship.

It's a question of upbringing: neither of them was brought up to show their feelings.

Charles did not receive tenderness from his mother, but at the same time she showed him a lot of trust, respect.

And they have the same sense of humor: we remember Charles' respectful way of always saying both "mummy" and "Her Majesty".

I believe he is really upset.

He's a sensitive man, obviously, but what

Why ?

Because it tells us right away: the paradigms are going to change.

I think we are going to move towards a more austere, smaller, less tedious and less formal monarchy.

The coronation will not resemble that of 1953. The royal family will be reduced to its simplest expression, the brothers of Charles will have to go to work elsewhere.

He's going to put the family in a bit of a bind.

It's a change of era, a change of air, a change of world.

I think Charles is really upset.

He's a sensitive man

Stephane Bern

However, we sometimes have the impression that it is a reign of "transition" before the advent of Kate and William, who seem more able to modernize the monarchy...

Charles III is 74 years old, his reign is necessarily a reign of transition.

But it's a very useful transition to establish William's throne, by ridding it of the tinsel of the past, things that are a little too cumbersome inherent in tradition.

We must not forget that a good tradition is a tradition that evolves.

The return of Prince Harry?

Prince Harry

's position

raises questions.

He is the last to arrive at Balmoral, the first to leave... Should we read this in the light of the Megxit and the tensions that kept him away from the royal family?

Had he, despite everything, remained close to the queen?

No, he probably went back to his wife.

I believe Harry will be here within the next ten days.

We can't imagine that he and his wife Meghan Markle will be absent from the funeral, which will take place in ten days.

The queen saw that Harry kicked in the stretchers, but she kept her affection for him.

At the same time, when it was necessary to decide and decide whether he kept his titles or not

(after the “Megxit”, Editor’s note)

, she said “no, you have to choose”, in which she was right.

She told him very kindly, but Harry had to decide his destiny and assume it.

It was she, no doubt, who understood the most, at the time of Diana's death, what he was going through.

She understood his mistakes, his problems, she was very close to this kid whose weaknesses she saw.

That didn't mean she didn't love her other grandchildren, but she had a special affection for him, he made her laugh.

Their relationship clearly went beyond protocol.

He had asked him to speak with Barack Obama about the Invictus Games

(the Paralympic sports competition created by Prince Harry, editor's note),

for example.

And then she admired the military: her son Andrew was one, and Harry too.

Queen Elizabeth had a special affection for Prince Harry.

Stephane Bern

What will be the place of the grandchildren at the funeral?

They will all be there.

The whole family will be present, we will see the protocol that will be put in place over the next few days.

But it is Charles and Camilla who will lead the mourning.

Kate and William will undoubtedly have a prominent place, but perhaps not their children.

I don't know how traumatic it is for a child to attend a great-grandmother's funeral.

Meghan and Harry's children, Archie and Lilibet, will likely remain in the United States.

But will the fact that they become prince and princess, when Elizabeth II dies, help bring the Sussexes closer to the royal family?


Whatever he does, whatever he says, Harry will always remain a grandson of Queen Elizabeth.

In video, the BBC announces the death of Queen Elizabeth II

From public to private

Basically, was Elizabeth II a mother and grandmother like the others?

She was a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother all at the same time.

The difference is that she was a public figure.

But I think in private, Elizabeth II was extremely warm and sympathetic.

Those who knew her well say that she loved talking with her grandchildren, that she sent them short text messages, discussed with them.

She went for walks with them, asked them about their studies, what they wanted to do.

Queen Elizabeth was very attentive to others.

But as soon as there was a photographer, everyone was on their toes.

Read alsoLove, drama and secrets: Elizabeth II, a private life under the gold of Buckingham Palace

Personally, what image of this royal family will you remember?

That of people who manage to unite in great moments, of mourning as of joy, and who can thus unite the nation.

Because basically, when we talk about the royal family, we are also talking about the great British family, including the Commonwealth.

We feel the emotion of these people who are united by something that goes beyond us, that crosses the ages and speaks to each of us.

The sociologist Théodore Zeldin said that basically, this family is like an image: each member represents a different color, but you need all this palette to make a beautiful picture.

I think it represents them well.