The Limited Times

Ten years in prison for a sixty-something man who tried to kill his grandson with a knife

9/9/2022, 5:13:18 PM

A sexagenarian was sentenced Friday, September 9 by the Paris Assize Court to ten years' imprisonment for having, in June 2019, attempted to kill...

A sexagenarian was sentenced Friday, September 9 by the Paris Assize Court to ten years' imprisonment for having, in June 2019, attempted to kill his 13-year-old grandson with a knife.

The court recognized that the discernment of Alain Tibi, 68, had been altered at the time of the facts, which unlike an abolition makes him accessible to a criminal sanction but allows a reduction of his sentence.

This conviction was accompanied by a socio-judicial follow-up for five years, in accordance with the requisitions of the general counsel.

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On June 1, 2019, while spending the night at the Parisian home of his daughter and his son-in-law, Alain Tibi had in the early morning seized the largest knife in the kitchen, had gone to his grandson's room a 13-year-old boy who was sleeping soundly and had stabbed him three times.

The teenager, 16 today and a civil party to the trial, still has a large scar from the 22 cm blade on his left cheek which also injured his throat.

Without the immediate intervention

” of his father, the child “

risked dying

”, motivated the court in rendering its verdict.

For the magistrates and the jurors, this gesture of Alain Tibi was "

motivated by a latent jealousy

" towards his son-in-law, even if he defended himself from it at the hearing, advancing health problems which worried him a lot.

The retiree spoke of a "

black hole

" and assured that he "did

not understand

" why he attacked this grandson he adored.

I took the knife, I was an automaton.

I went through a stroke of madness

”, hammered at the bar Alain Tibi, who appeared free under judicial control.

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According to several members of this family torn since the facts, Alain Tibi harbored resentment towards his son-in-law and father of the victim who had succeeded when he had accumulated professional failures.

The psychiatric experts who examined Alain Tibi and had concluded that his discernment had deteriorated, saw in the act of this " self-


" man, "


" and who wanted to keep the place of "


" of the family, a "

social suicide


Alain Tibi has ten days to appeal.


He will take the time to reflect to understand this decision

," his lawyers Ms. Victor Zagury and Nicolas Benouaiche told AFP.


The sanction as the motivation for the judgment reflect the seriousness of the acts

", commented for his part the lawyer for the victim and his family, Me Sébastien Schapira.