The Limited Times

The day I bumped into Prince Philip to approach Queen Elizabeth II

9/9/2022, 4:19:29 PM

On this day in April 2004, during this official visit by the Queen of England, an unusual stage took place in the heart of Paris, rue M

Prince Philip, without any protection, is in the back.

I remember bumping into it a bit to clear my way through.

We all remember the Queen's smile.

Me, with the prince's gaze, opening the way to his wife without being surprised by these scenes of sweet jubilation.

It was 18 years ago, on the occasion of the fourth state visit to France by Elizabeth II, for the centenary of the Entente Cordiale.

A trip, and a report, exceptional.

Difficult for a daily press journalist to write an article so long after the event.

But this one marked as it was unique.

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