The Limited Times

Tragedy in the mountains: the other 14-year-old also died

9/9/2022, 7:49:02 PM

He had fallen in Switzerland from 100 meters during the excursion (ANSA) The 14-year-old from Induno Olona (Varese) died, crashed in the mountains in Switzerland on 4 September, together with two other very young people, one of whom died instantly, during an excursion. This was announced by the Cantonal Police. The boy, transported in serious condition by helicopter to the hospital in Lugano, did not survive the serious traumas reported.     Cristian Maccarone fought u

The 14-year-old from Induno Olona (Varese) died, crashed in the mountains in Switzerland on 4 September, together with two other very young people, one of whom died instantly, during an excursion.

This was announced by the Cantonal Police.

The boy, transported in serious condition by helicopter to the hospital in Lugano, did not survive the serious traumas reported.

    Cristian Maccarone fought until this afternoon, in the hospital bed where he arrived in very serious condition, but he didn't make it.

His family, who left Induno Olona (Varese), stayed with him until the end.

That day Karim Larbi Damir, also 14 years old, Moroccan origins but always living in Bisuschio (Varese), slipped on the path he was following with some peers, part of a group of a sports club in the Varese area.

Falling he hit and dragged Cristian with him, only to die instantly.

Just today his family had organized a moment of prayer, respecting their culture.

On the other hand, a third very young, 15-year-old from Mendrisio, who had tried to help the two victims, remains hospitalized on a reserved prognosis. 

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