The Limited Times

Death of Elizabeth II: why the coronation of Charles III will only take place in several months?

9/10/2022, 10:07:34 AM

Charles III was officially proclaimed king this Saturday, September 10 at St. James's Palace in London. A solemn ceremony not to be confused with the coronation.

Cannon shots and flags lowered above Buckingham Palace, as a sign of the advent.

This Saturday, September 10, the new King of the United Kingdom, Charles III, was officially invested by the Council of Accession at St. James's Palace, London.

This proclamation ceremony comes two days after the death of Elizabeth II, on September 8 at her home in Balmoral, Scotland, making her son Charles, former Prince of Wales, the new sovereign of the country, at 73 years old.

“We owe him a debt of gratitude, the greatest and most important.

For his love, his affection and his example,” he said in tribute to his mother on Friday, the day after her disappearance, during his first speech.

And to add, visibly very moved: “This example of duty, I renew it to you”.

In video, King Charles III meditates in front of the thousands of bouquets placed in front of Buckingham Palace

"Long live the king !"

But this proclamation is not to be confused with the coronation, as the official website of the royal family explains.

The ceremony of this Saturday, of the most formal, is only intended to invest officially the king of his function and to make him pledge allegiance to the Parliament.

Thus, this Saturday, September 10, the members of the Council followed one another to sign the declaration of royalty.

Among them, Prime Minister Liz Truss, watched by several of her predecessors, including Gordon Brown, David Cameron, Boris Johnson and Theresa May.

Conversely, the site of the royal family specifies: "The coronation of the new sovereign comes a few months after his accession, following a period of mourning and because of the enormous work of preparation that the organization requires. of the ceremony".

The coronation being a joyous event, it cannot, for the English, take place in a period of mourning.

A tradition that had not escaped his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, who was crowned nearly a year and a half after the death of her father, King George VI, who died on February 6, 1952. The latter had celebrated his reign on June 2, 1953.

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int, blessed and consecrated

The date of the coronation of Charles III, which has therefore still not been communicated, will be considered with his Prime Minister Liz Truss, to agree on the best time for the English.

The ceremony will take place in Westminster Abbey.

Wearing his crown, the king will then take his coronation oath: “Today the Sovereign pledges to rule according to law, to exercise justice with mercy – promises symbolized by the four swords in the coronation regalia ( the Crown Jewels) – and to maintain the Church of England”.

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