The Limited Times

Senate: petition against badger hunting by digging reaches 100,000 signatures

9/10/2022, 6:14:19 PM

And three: a new petition concerning hunting, "for the prohibition of the unearthing of badgers", has reached the threshold on the Senate website...

And three: a new petition concerning hunting, "

for the ban on the unearthing of


", has reached the threshold of 100,000 signatures on the Senate site, a condition for the Conference of Presidents to decide to follow it up.

Registered on March 30, the petition carried by Marc Giraud, spokesperson for the Association for the Protection of Wild Animals, had gathered more than 100,500 signatures on Saturday afternoon.

Read alsoThe challenges of the new hunting season

Its signatories demand "

the ban on the digging up of badgers, a practice of violent, useless, non-selective hunting and incompatible with the recognition of animals as sentient beings


This hunting technique, called underground hunting, is particularly shocking since it consists of hunters extricating badgers directly from their burrows, after several hours spent digging in the ground with shovels, pickaxes and crowbars

” , underline the text.

A mission on hunting safety

The High Assembly has undertaken to examine the petitions filed on its site, which have collected more than 100,000 signatures in six months.

The Conference of Presidents of the Senate can, for example, decide to create a monitoring mission, include a bill on the agenda, debate in public session, etc. The next meeting of the Conference of Presidents is scheduled for September 21.

Read alsoHunting: what are the rules in force?

The Senate already set up a mission last November on the issue of hunting safety, in response to another petition, launched by the collective "Un jour un chasseur", created after the death of a young man killed by hunting fire.

She is due to report her findings next week.

This collective demanded days without hunting and stricter rules concerning safety, in particular on alcohol, shooting near homes and gun control.

Anti-hunting activists also targeted

The Senate also took up the petition of the president of the National Federation of Hunters Willy Schraen, targeting anti-hunting activists and launched an information mission on the question of tax advantages for donations to associations.

It should make its conclusions at the beginning of October.

Read alsoWilly Schraen's hunting plan for the next six years

Willy Schraen demanded "

a parliamentary inquiry

" to shed light on the functioning of associations "

acting openly against legal activities

" and "

the end of the tax reduction for donations

" to associations "

conducting actions of obstruction, violence, of intrusion and degradation in the name of the animal cause
