The Limited Times

The female director is adapted from the experience of blind parents taking care of adults: the death of my father made me see everything clearly

9/10/2022, 4:13:40 PM

"(Blind) What do you need to do to open your eyes?" Eyes are the window to the soul, and everything is measured through vision, but Judy's blind parents relied on touch from birth to when she grew up.

"(Blind) What do you need to do to open your eyes?" Eyes are the window to the soul, and everything is measured through vision, but Judy's blind parents, from birth to taking care of her when she grew up, acted by touch. She once blamed her mother for "feeling like a crime from head to toe" every time she went out to check the school uniform, and even believed that her parents' actions with abnormal people were "disrespectful" behaviors, which made Judy care about how people around her treated her parents. However, after graduation, she began to create stage plays and even movies based on the prototype of her parents. In addition, her father died of cancer, which made her suddenly see the world: "It's a good idea to open her eyes, but she said that we are blind, and they all see it. If you don’t get people, you shouldn’t care about other people’s opinions, and when you look back, you realize that they were the first ones.”

Growing up as a child is not the same as having a healthy family. I used to hate my parents' practices

The real-life movie "All the Way to the Eyes" tells the story of a pair of blind parents after the birth of their healthy daughter, the family conflicts between taking care of her as an adult and growing up, and finally reaching a family reconciliation and understanding story, directed by director and screenwriter Zhu Fengxian (Judy) is adapted from the experience of the original family, and each episode is the growth experience that Judy once really felt.

"People's babies wear a bracelet, and my grandma knows where to go, but my grandma is blind. When she does housework, she doesn't know that I'm sitting in a BB car and go to the side, so I have both hands and feet. Wearing 4 bracelets." Judy's parents have been blind since childhood due to improper treatment of illness or malnutrition. Adults can still take care of themselves, but after giving birth to her, how to take care of her until she grows up has become a parenting knowledge that parents face every day. .

"There is a scene in the movie that when I was a BB student, my grandmother was cooking porridge in the living room, and I pulled the wire with one hand and the pot fell to the ground. When my grandmother stooped down, she touched the hot white porridge with one hand, and she was shocked. My heart is separated, the only difference is that I am injured and scarred in the movie, but in reality, I am so lucky to avoid it.”

Violating the order to return home before midnight and being rejected

After taking care of her from an infancy to being slim, her parents regarded Judy as a "blind man." She relied on her sound eyes to read or do everything on her behalf. However, in middle school, she gradually developed a rebellious mentality.

"I think I'm very smart. My parents depend on me for a lot of help. When I got to middle school, I realized that my parents were different from others. At first, I didn't want to let others know. She insisted on saying, "Our house is like this, you have to accept this reality."

The able-bodied and visually impaired people always have different ways of exploring things. The former can see through at a glance, while the latter rely on the touch of both hands to replace them. The distance creates a barrier. For a period of time, Judy was very concerned about the details of his parents' behavior, "Every time I go back to school, she From the head to the foot, I looked at my haircut, my skirt was too short, and I didn’t wear any jewelry, and now I felt like a criminal searched.” When my parents went out, they knocked on the front with every step of the blind man. When confirming the position on the ground, sometimes she accidentally swipes into other people's back feet, causing them to jump up and avoid them.

"I have suggested to them whether they can knock it loudly, or have a small hem, but they said that we are blind and can't see people, so they don't care about other people's eyes." Violating the 12:00 pm return home order, and being turned away by her mother, a cold war broke out. Judy was so angry that she ran away from home for one night, and her mother took the initiative to pick it up from her relatives and friends' homes the next day. In the end, the two sides were honest about their conflicts and gradually resolved the knot. .

I once asked my father if Zhong Hao wanted to go to university to study the film department. It is better to leave early and do it, but you don't need to worry, since I was born, I have already started saving money for teaching; if my mother has something to say, If you like it and think about it too much, try it out, and you will know that it is suitable for you after you try it. You are afraid to try it first.

When I was so confused in my life, they supported me and made me see it more clearly.

Film director Zhu Fengxian

After graduation, I used my parents' prototype to create a work to awaken the injustice of the visually impaired in the outside world

After she entered the Academy for Performing Arts, she still dared not take the initiative to reveal her parents' background to outsiders. "I really know that my parents are friends of blind people. Except for the church, I can count on one hand." Hearing and seeing visually impaired people face injustice and difficulties in life, I hope to create a script to arouse the attention of the outside world. About 11 years ago, I created the stage play "Development.



" and an online short film of the same name, which became the prototype of the movie "All the Way to the Eyes", "Sometimes, I tested the water temperature and tested the audience's reaction after watching it, but it turned out that their responses were all positive, not what I imagined at all. Fear, and began to have the confidence to tell more about my experiences with my parents.”

In the process of writing the script, she kept changing new versions and endings, but she was never satisfied. In the middle, she experienced her father suffering from cancer in 2017. She was very impulsive to finish it hastily and knocked on the door of the film company, so that her father could witness it before he died. "There are some episodes that haven't reached the (psychological) threshold yet, and I really want to finish it. The incident about my father's cancer has changed my opinion." She recalled that her father died from cancer within a year, but he was bitter about life. His open-mindedness is still vivid in his mind.

"I knew that there were two tumors in the large intestine, and I was shocked (shocked), but Zhai Zhongshi joked, 'There are no buildings for adults (living in public housing), and this house has two floors (with tumors as the building). The homonym of ), one lives by himself, and the other rents someone.”

Two years after her father, who worked as a blind massage technician, died of cancer after retiring, Judy rethinks family relationships.

(Picture provided by respondents)

My father told me that there were two tumors in the large intestine, and I was shocked, but Zhai Zhongshi joked, "There is no building for adults (living in public housing), and this house has two floors (the one with the tumor as a building). Homophonic), one lives by himself, and the other rents someone.

Film director Zhu Fengxian

The death of the father was a heavy blow and the motivation for the completion of the script was created

The death of her father in early 2018 was a heavy blow, and Judy was almost completely overwhelmed. However, during this time, her mother comforted her in return, which made her suddenly feel that the two elders in front of her were standing in front of her like "giants".

"Families should fill each other's seats. When you are OK, go ahead, but there are always times when you are not OK, so other family members will go ahead. I used to think that I was the first to go. When I found that I was in a good mood ( collapsed), it turned out that my mother was in the front row first, my (passed away) father was in the middle, and I was in the last row (protected).”

Originally a script that she didn't know how to end, the ups and downs of the world suddenly made her see everything clearly, and finally decided to revolve around the whole story with the original family relationship as the axis. After that, it was successfully turned into a movie, which was officially released in the middle of this month.

Looking back at the time, she was always grateful to her parents, "Thank you so much, it took a lot of courage and responsibility to bring me to this world when I was born... I really want (a story) Let's re-examine the relationship between the same house and business people, we have a lot of There are a lot of choices, but the real estate people don’t have to choose, it doesn’t matter if they are perfect or not, you can appreciate the imperfection of the real estate people, they are the first gift from God.”

I really want (a story) Let everyone re-examine the relationship with the house-enterprise person. We have a lot of choices, but the house-enterprise person has no choice. It doesn’t matter if he is perfect or not. We can appreciate the imperfection of the house-enterprise person. It is God's first gift.

Film director Zhu Fengxian

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