The Limited Times

The situation in the morning - The Queen, the King and the happiness of the late years

9/10/2022, 5:25:12 AM

Wherein lies the fascination of the queen and her eldest son. What the CDU must fear after their party conference. And: This weekend should be a festival for the cinemas. That's the situation on Saturday.

In the evening sun

With the death of

Queen Elizabeth

, her eldest son


automatically became king the day before yesterday.

Today he officially becomes King Charles III.

called out.

Charles has been preparing for this moment for a lifetime, he is now almost 74 years old.

The mood in London during these hours shows that the Queen has fascinated and deeply touched people - and that at least part of this


has already

passed on to her son


Where this fascination lies is currently being analyzed from all possible perspectives.

One aspect among many could be this: The Queen, her husband, but also the new king, who is no longer quite young, have shown that

old age can be a good phase

in life .

To be able to enjoy old age as a beautiful part of life is a blessing, a gift (and in the case of those named also a result of their privileges, the good care).

No one can count on being so lucky themselves.

But the fact that there are at least a few older people who can see this happiness is a relieving perspective for younger people.

For the Queen and her eldest son, life seemed and seems to have gotten better and better over the years.

In her middle years, the queen didn't look as radiant and relaxed as in the photos of the past twenty years.

Even in the last public photo last Tuesday, she once again showed the charming smile of her late years.

And then these great performances at a very young age: when she pretended to jump out of a helicopter with a

James Bond

actor in a little film in 2012.

Or when she appeared in another little film this summer having tea with

Paddington Bear


Charles is also said to be much happier today than when he was young, especially since lately

marrying Camilla

, who appears to be the love of his life.

For a world that runs a

desperate cult of youth

, this is surprising, and heartening, news.

  • The Windsors after the death of the Queen: The boss and his company 

Future of the Union: at some point left behind by the Greens?

Today the

party conference of the CDU

comes to an end.

Yesterday, on the first day of the meeting, the party finally pushed through to push for modernization: to

introduce a quota

for women .

Has she thus secured a piece of the future, created the conditions for renewal?

All in all, the CDU cannot complain about a lack of

support among young

people, after all, with the Junge Union, it has the largest number of party-political youth organizations in Germany.

However, the result of a survey by the opinion research institute Civey for a special issue of SPIEGEL ("The System Crashers") points in

a different direction


When asked who they would vote for if there were a general election on Sunday, 26 percent of 18 to 29-year-olds opted for

the Greens

, the CDU and CSU are far behind in second place with just 20 percent, and the SPD comes in at 17 , the FDP to 11, the AfD to 9 and the left to 5 percent.

But no party can really triumph.

Another result of the same survey shows that

only 13 percent

of 18 to 29-year-olds

see their concerns represented by politics at all


  • Federal party conference: Merz makes the CDU a quota party

You can find news and background information on the war in Ukraine here:

  • What matters now for the Ukrainian troops in their surprise offensive in the north-east:

    Kiev's soldiers are recapturing lost areas in the Kharkiv region at breakneck speed.

    But holding the territory will be difficult.

    Several Russian weaknesses could help the Ukrainians in this. 

  • How dangerous is the situation at the Zaporizhia nuclear plant?

    Fighting has been going on at Europe's largest nuclear power plant for weeks.

    According to international nuclear experts, there is a risk of a radiation accident at the Zaporizhia reactors.

    How the place became an instrument of blackmail.

  • news blog

It's getting dark in the cinema

This weekend belongs to the cinema, not only because the

Venice Film Festival


with the awarding of the

Golden Lion .

In Germany there is a nationwide »


festival « today and tomorrow, organized by the cinema associations.

Each performance should


five euros .

This should also attract audiences that have not been to a movie theater for a long time.

The cinema industry has

had a tough time

behind it - and ahead of it.

Movie theaters were closed for months during the pandemic, after which many seats had to be vacated due to social distancing.

During this time, far too many people gave up the habit of going to the cinema at all.

The burglaries are dramatic


The German Federal Film Board (FFA) recently published comparative figures for 2019


Before the corona pandemic, the FFA had a total of 118.6 million cinema viewers in Germany in 2019.

In 2021 only 42.1 million tickets were sold.


crisis in the energy sector

will also have an impact on the industry.

Around 80 percent of German cinemas use gas, according to a survey by the largest cinema association in Germany, HDF KINO.

The dramas, the tragedies in the cinemas no longer only take place on the screen.

How dangerous is your job, Mr. Meyer-Heuer?

Violence, crime ,

bizarre rules - my SPIEGEL TV colleagues Claas Meyer-Heuer and Thomas Heise have been documenting the criminal activities of powerful extended families in Germany for many


also clan members.

Your 2020 book »

The Power of the Clans

« is a bestseller, for the film of the same name you received the Bavarian TV prize »Blue Panther« in 2021.

If you are a SPIEGEL subscriber, you have the opportunity to ask Claas Meyer-Heuer about his research at a

SPIEGEL backstage event

on Tuesday, September 13, at 8 p.m. via Zoom.

The event is exclusively for subscribers, but we are giving away ten free entries.

Interested parties write to:, subject: SPIEGEL Backstage Raffle.

Closing date Monday 12 September at 12 noon.

Anyone who is already a subscriber can register directly here: Questions to Claas Meyer-Heuer can be asked in advance here: 

Here is the current quiz of the day

The starting question today: How many presidents of the USA is Joe Biden?

The latest news from the night

  • Green boss Lang accepts Backhaus' apology:

    Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania's Minister of Agriculture Backhaus caused outrage with a nasty sentence against Ricarda Lang.

    Now the leader of the Green Party has accepted an apology from the SPD politician.

  • The Association of Towns and Municipalities fears power outages in winter:

    "There is a risk of a blackout": The Association of Towns and Municipalities warns of power outages in the cold season - and calls on the government to better prepare people for such a scenario.

  • USA demands immediate release of Navalny:

    Alexej Navalny has to be in solitary confinement again.

    The United States accuses Russia of disregarding the rights of the Kremlin critic - and demands that he be released immediately.

The SPIEGEL + recommendations for today

  • If you want to stop Putin, you have to make sacrifices:

    Yes, it is expensive and full of privation to fight against the Kremlin chief.

    But it has to be, in the name of freedom and democracy.

    That's exactly how Chancellor Scholz should explain it to the Germans - honestly and with passion.

  • This woman is supposed to enlighten Germany's failure:

    As a child, Schahina Gambir fled from Afghanistan to Germany.

    Now, as a member of the Bundestag, she wants to ensure that Germany's failure in the Hindu Kush is dealt with - against all odds.

  • The mayor's scandal:

    Because he is said to have attacked a reporter, the mayor of Bad Lobenstein, Thomas Weigelt, is now known nationwide.

    The officials are accused of completely different offenses.

  • "The word 'Heimat' really disgusted me":

    Edgar Reitz wanted to get out of the Hunsrück early on - later he created an epic about a deeply German feeling with his mammoth series "Heimat".

    How does the 89-year-old look at his work today? 

I wish you a good start into the day.

Yours, Susanne Beyer

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