The Limited Times

Tirana, from Iran a new cyberattack, now a border police

9/10/2022, 3:49:40 PM

New cyber attack against Albania, this time against the computer system of the border police Tims, which records the entry and exit from the country: the Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama has announced that he has pointed the finger at Iran. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - TIRANA, SEPTEMBER 10 - New cyber attack against Albania, this time against the computer system of the border police Tims, which records the entries and exits from the country: Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama made it known who pointed the finger at Iran.

"A new cyber attack, by the same attackers, now exposed and condemned by the Allies and friends of Albania, was recorded last night", wrote Rama on Twitter.

Sources from the Albanian Ministry of the Interior explained to ANSA that "it was a massive attack", similar to the one recorded last July that hit the entire government computer system.

    The authorities have shut down the TIMS, to avoid possible damage, and are doing detailed checks before restoring it.

At the moment, entries and exits at border points are being registered manually.

    The attack follows the Albanian government's decision to break diplomatic relations with Iran, and the new sanctions against Teheran announced yesterday by the US, in response to the cyberattack against Albania.

The measures hit the Iranian minister and the Iranian intelligence ministry.