The Limited Times

Farewell to the Queen: Elizabeth's final journey through her realm

9/11/2022, 10:44:11 AM

They throw small bouquets of flowers on the way, salute, some applaud, others just pause: This is how the British say goodbye to Elizabeth II - the pictures.

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Not only in London, but also in front of Balmoral Castle in Scotland, mourners laid down masses of flowers.

The palace was the Queen's official summer residence.

Photo: Phil Noble / REUTERS

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The Queen usually stayed here for several months in the summer and enjoyed the tranquility of the Scottish Highlands.

Equipped with rubber boots and a headscarf, she enjoyed going on excursions into the surrounding area.

She wasn't always recognized.

The BBC reported on Sunday an encounter with a local resident who asked the monarch, "What are you doing here?" "Vacation," the Queen replied.

Is it her first time here in Scotland?

No, said the queen, she's been coming to the area for 80 years.

"Oh," said the resident, impressed, "then you must have met the Queen at some point!"

Photo: imago stock&people / imago/Eibner Europa

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Balmoral was considered a retreat for Queen Elizabeth II;

she had died here on Thursday.

And this is where the convoy with the mortal remains of the monarch started on Sunday.


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Shortly after 10 a.m. local time, the motorcade with the glass hearse at the head left the palace.

"The Queen is leaving Balmoral for the very last time," said a local resident, audibly touched.

Photo: Phil Noble / REUTERS

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In the village of Ballater, the Royal Family had always attended services during their stays on Balmoral.

Here, early in the morning, the first families had already secured places on the road on which the coffin of the late Queen was to be brought to Edinburgh on Sunday.

"We want to say goodbye to our neighbor," mourners told the BBC.

Photo: Hannah McKay / REUTERS

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Flowers and flags had already been draped along the route.

And the British had also filed a number of farewell drawings.

Photo: Andy Buchanan / AFP

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In letters and drawings they expressed their sorrow for Elizabeth II.

Photo: Phil Noble / REUTERS

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The Queen's oak coffin is draped with a flag and adorned with a wreath of white flowers.

Some subjects silently saluted, others threw flowers to show their mourning and respect.

Photo: Russell Cheyne / REUTERS

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Everywhere along the route, people awaited the convoy with the glass hearse.

Photo: Hannah McKay / REUTERS

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There are also numerous families with their children among the onlookers along the route.

Photo: Paul Ellis / AFP

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Some of the people waiting for the coffin to pass on Sunday appeared to be mourning a member of their own family.

Photo: Kai Pfaffenbach / REUTERS

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The 280-kilometer journey to Scotland's capital, Aberdeen, takes a total of six hours.

Wherever people have gathered along the route, the convoy – like here in Ballater – will roll past the mourning people at walking pace.

Photo:Jeff J Mitchell/Getty Images

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