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Operation London Bridge: This secret plan should now take effect after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

9/11/2022, 9:50:15 AM

Operation London Bridge: This secret plan should now take effect after the death of Queen Elizabeth II Created: 09/11/2022, 11:40 am By: Annemarie Goebbel “London Bridge is down” is the code word in the case of the death of the British Queen Elizabeth II. What happens then is a secret list that has become public. London – The farewell to Queen Elizabeth II is not easy for the royal family, the

Operation London Bridge: This secret plan should now take effect after the death of Queen Elizabeth II

Created: 09/11/2022, 11:40 am

By: Annemarie Goebbel

“London Bridge is down” is the code word in the case of the death of the British Queen Elizabeth II. What happens then is a secret list that has become public.

London – The farewell to Queen Elizabeth II is not easy for the royal family, the British people and Royal fans worldwide, but the strict court protocol still dictates a very specific procedure.

Basic plans have been in place since the 1960s that regulate what will happen in the sad event.

The Guardian described the list in 2017 as "meticulously planned" with "mysterious and very specific" details.

Exactly this list, which defines the first ten days after the death of the monarch, has already been made public.

Queen Elizabeth II: Operation London Bridge - Secret plan for Queen's death leaked

After the words "London Bridge is down", which Prime Minister Liz Truss (47) probably just heard, she knew that her Queen Elizabeth II had closed her eyes forever.

What follows now is Operation London Bridge - the plan that considers all that has to happen in the sad hour.

How should the death of the regent be announced to whom?

No institution, from the Church to the British Army, can be ignored.

What should be considered at the official mourning and the state funeral?

No matter how sad the occasion, it is important to avoid chaos.

"Operation London Bridge" regulates in minute detail what happens in the days after the death of Queen Elizabeth II.

(Photomontage) © Hannah McKay/Imago & Victoria Jones/dpa

The basic plans, revealed by the Guardian, have been known since 2017.

Also that the set of rules is modified several times every year.

Some important decisions were made by the Queen herself, just as her husband Prince Philip (99, † 2021), who died in April 2021, had determined many details of his funeral ceremony in advance.

The full list, detailing every last detail, was unveiled by online magazine Politico (press reviews on the death of the "greatest queen of all time").

Queen Elizabeth II: This is what the latest details of the secret list provide

The details of possible corona conditions are new, and there are also precise regulations for the behavior of the government apparatus in the social networks.

The anniversary of Queen Elizabeth's death is referred to as "D-Day" ("Death Day") in the present version.

The days until the scheduled burial are listed as "D-Day+1" (the day after the death) to "D-Day+10".

What happened first after the death was declared?

As soon as the government was informed, Britain's PA news agency broke the news of the Queen's death and the palace issued an official notice.

All public buildings should also lower their flags to half-mast.

It shouldn't have been more than ten minutes by then.

Queen Elizabeth II: Who will speak to the public after her death?

Prime Minister Liz Truss will be the first to take a stand.

The royal family announces the plans for the funeral, which is scheduled to take place in about ten days.

Gun salutes and a national minute's silence will silence people.

Heir to the throne Prince Charles (73) does not have much time to mourn his mother.

The prime minister makes her way to an audience with the new king.

The new king is expected to address his people at 6 p.m. local time.

The first memorial service will be held at St. Paul's Cathedral in London. 

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He was too late: Now it seems clear why Harry had to travel separately to the dying Queen

Queen Elizabeth II is dead: Approximate time of death known - Charles and Harry are leaving separately

The plans for her death have been agreed with Queen Elizabeth II.

© Christopher Furlong/dpa

Queen Elizabeth II: Little time for mourning for the future heir to the throne

At 10am on the first day after the Queen's death, the Council of Accession meets at St James' Palace to proclaim Charles as the new ruler.

At 3:30 p.m., the Prime Minister and Cabinet will hold an audience with the new king.

Ministers will be instructed to appear without a spouse.

On "D-Day+2" the coffin of the Queen, who lived and ran the business at Windsor Castle, is to be transferred to Buckingham Palace.

Just one day later on "D-Day+3", Prince Charles will embark on a journey to Scotland and Ireland.

The trip to Wales is planned for "D-Day+7".

In death they will be reunited.

Here is a picture of Prince Philip and his wife Queen Elizabeth II on their honeymoon.

© IMAGO/ZUMA/Keystone

The regulations also provide for what and how the social media accounts are reported.

The state social media accounts should use the agency crest as their profile picture and the banners should be set to black.

Twitter texts and retweets must be approved.

Queen Elizabeth II: This is where she will be laid to rest

The funeral ceremony in London's Westminster Abbey is being prepared.

Those responsible know what they owe their queen and are sure to have plans for the burial at Windsor Castle already in the drawer.

Queen Elizabeth II will finally be laid to rest at Windsor Castle in the small King George VI memorial chapel next to her husband Prince Philip.

The British monarch is a highly valued and extremely popular personality.

The city's security chief must have his apparatus well under control these days because, according to Politico, "unprecedented crowds and travel chaos" are to be expected.

There could be hundreds of thousands who want to say goodbye to the queen.

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