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After Bayern-Patzer: Müller is "sour" - and asks reporters a cheeky counter-question

9/12/2022, 2:57:19 AM

After Bayern-Patzer: Müller is "sour" - and asks reporters a cheeky counter-question Created: 09/12/2022, 04:48 am By: Patrick Mayer, Christoph Klaucke FC Bayern parted ways in the Bundesliga with a draw from VfB Stuttgart. We round up the voices and reactions surrounding the game. Munich – The German record champions have stumbled step by step into an earnings crisis in the Bundesliga. Agains

After Bayern-Patzer: Müller is "sour" - and asks reporters a cheeky counter-question

Created: 09/12/2022, 04:48 am

By: Patrick Mayer, Christoph Klaucke

FC Bayern parted ways in the Bundesliga with a draw from VfB Stuttgart.

We round up the voices and reactions surrounding the game.

Munich – The German record champions have stumbled step by step into an earnings crisis in the Bundesliga.

Against VfB Stuttgart (2:2) there was the third draw in a row for FC Bayern.

Three wins and three draws after six matchdays are equivalent to the worst start to the season in twelve years.

Serhou Guirassy (90+2) had given the Swabians their fifth draw of the season with a penalty in added time.

Mathys Tel (36') gave Bayern the lead with his Bundesliga debut goal, Chris Führich (57') equalized for VfB before Jamal Musiala (60') put Bayern ahead again.

After the game, in addition to the penalty, the main topic was an alleged foul by Führich against Joshua Kimmich (51st).

The ball was already in the Munich goal in this scene, but referee Christian Dingert recognized the goal after studying VAR.

Thomas Müller was upset about the missed win afterwards, FCB coach Julian Nagelsmann saw weaknesses in his team and explained them.

We summarize for you the votes on the game between FC Bayern and VfB Stuttgart from Sky and from the Allianz Arena:

Thomas Müller (FC Bayern) after the game over ...

... VfB Stuttgart's late equalizer:

"Today I'm angry for the first time this season.

On ourselves. If we want to win every game, and that's our aim, then you have to go to the end.

English week or not, highlight game during the week or not.

With our current point situation, you've got to give it your all in the last ten minutes.

That we let Stuttgart hit another ball into our penalty area at all.

Then it also has something to do with how much we are bilious and handy.

Today, for the first time, I have the feeling that we gave something away.”

… the result against the Swabians:

“I have to say: If we want to get to the top of the table as quickly as possible, and that is our aim, then we have to take a good look at ourselves.

And all of them.

We're not top of the table yet."

... Serhou Guirassy's goal, which was called back:

"It's definitely a foul.

In midfield he will definitely be called immediately.

(To Sky reporter and ex-Bundesliga professional Torben Hoffmann, d. Red.)

You've never accepted the ball with your back to your own goal, but immediately beat it away, right?

I don't have to defend the whistle that helped us.

I have other worries there.

It has nothing to do with whether we win or lose the game today.

In the end it doesn't matter what the referee called or didn't call."

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Served: Manuel Neuer (left), Thomas Müller and FC Bayern after the draw against VfB Stuttgart.

© IMAGO/Frank Hoermann / SVEN SIMON

Julian Nagelsmann (FC Bayern coach) after the game over...

... his verdict on the game:

“We have problems for 30 minutes in the first half.

We weren't that good at the game.

It's a bit normal after a Champions League game that you need a little bit to get into it.

Then we played much better for 15 minutes, had much better counter-pressing and didn't really let Stuttgart get out.

Then they deservedly led and had to score a second goal in that phase.

The first 15 minutes of the second half were okay too.

Then we were too slow in possession, played a lot for control but little towards the goal.

Nevertheless, we have three huge chances where you definitely have to score a third goal.

Then it's game over.

It was a classic course.

The opponent has three or four huge outnumbered situations that he has to defend.

A third goal was possible - Serge, Leroy, Jamal.

There wasn't.

And suddenly the opponent thinks, okay, something else is possible.

Then something else happened, then there was a legitimate penalty.

And then we played 2-2.”

... Flaws in FC Bayern's game:

"We had enough chances to score a third goal.

Similar to Gladbach.

There were also four situations against Union where we had to score.

Today in the first half there were two free shots from 16 meters that we shot over.

In the second half there were three of them and a one-on-one on the goalkeeper, where the third goal didn't fall.

And then Stuttgart ended up playing a lot of diagonal balls.

We should have taken a lot more risk.

(...) In the counter-attacks we didn't get the shot that was supposed to be.

Stuttgart has a clear principle and lets itself fall very close to the goal.

There are the three (

defenders, d. Red

.) very compact.

It's not that easy to play off the majority.

If the opponent then equalizes, there is only one point.”

... Pressure after three draws in a row in the Bundesliga:

"I don't know if the pressure has increased.

Pressure is something very subjective, something that always comes from outside.

I'm approaching the week the same way I would have tackled it if we had won the game.

We'll train tomorrow, we'll train on Monday, we'll finish analyzing the opponent tomorrow.

Prepare and try to come up with a good idea for Barcelona.

Which is going to be difficult.

Then we try to win the home game on Tuesday.

I would have done the same if we had won 4-0 today.”

... the scene when Stuttgart was denied a goal:


I don't know.

I would say it's a choice.

If no goal was scored, but a standard would result from it, nobody would complain that it is not counted as a foul.

I think a tug on the shoulder is different than a tug on the hip.

Because the center of gravity is different.

But I think you can keep it going.


I don't know.

It's just an interpretation of the rules.

And that's how he met her.

(...) The penalty is a valid one.

Regardless of whether the ball is already gone.

If the ball is already gone and you knock it out, it's still a foul.

By the way, Matthijs made an outstandingly good game.

It's a shame that he was the poor guy who had to help out at the penalty spot.

Happened, and on we go.”

Hasan Salihamidzic (FC Bayern director of sport) after the game over ...

… his team's game:

"I'm always angry when we don't win.

Today wasn't enough.

We did have a few situations, but always without real punch.

Without real determination.

You don't get anything for free in the Bundesliga.

That's why today wasn't a good game for us.

It wasn't enough to win today.

(...) There was far too little movement, far too little intensity, far too little of that energy that we normally bring to the pitch.

It has to get better on Tuesday.

(...) The boys know themselves that it wasn't enough in the league today.

There are six points that we are missing.

That's at least four too many.

(...) We have to shift up two gears, even three against Barcelona.

With Barcelona, ​​a top team is coming.”

Pellegrino Matarazzo (coach VfB Stuttgart) after the game over ...

… the draw at FC Bayern:

“I think we got into the game very well and defended very well for the first 30 minutes.

Until Bayern had this double chance and we weren't clever enough with our possession afterwards.

I think that after winning the ball, we kept losing the ball, which also hurt.

In the final stages of the first half we suffered a bit.

In the second half it was a more open game where we started a little bit higher, created more pressure and allowed Bayern less control.

Where we survive one or two chances and counterattacks, where Bayern are of course very strong with their staff in the sprint.

They had several superior numbers on our chain, where we were relatively strong in central defence."

Sven Mislintat (Sports Director VfB Stuttgart) after the game over ...

... the game in Munich and Serhou Guirassy's goal that wasn't given:

"You always need the goalkeeper in one situation or another.

We managed that.

The first decision

(foul by Führich against Kimmich, ed

.) against us was wrong, that would have been the draw.

Plus Guirassy's shot against the crossbar.

You can't even call it an undeserved point, on the contrary, it was a deserved point."

Compensation for VfB Stuttgart: Manuel Neuer from FC Bayern is beaten.

© IMAGO / kolbert-press

Julian Nagelsmann (FC Bayern coach) before the game over...

...the draw in Berlin:

"We had four top-category chances against Union, but we didn't manage to take advantage of them and create more.

That's why we only played a draw."

...Dayot Upamecano's mistake, which led to the goal being conceded:

"Upa always tries to find a solution.

The ball is not so easy to defend.

Sometimes in these situations you have to chase the ball into the stands.

He tends to think too much.

He wants to do everything right and look for a playful solution.

Sometimes an unfortunate situation arises.

In the end, the player has to decide how comfortable they feel.

Sometimes you have to clear at the expense of a throw-in.”

... third place in the table and the role as Freiburg pursuers:

"Basically, I don't care about the place in the table, but it doesn't matter after five matchdays.

Apart from Union, we've played a lot of good Bundesliga games with a lot of chances.

Now we're hunters ourselves.

If the tide turns again at some point, I would be quite satisfied.”

...his line-up:

"A lot of load control on the one hand to give players a break and on the other hand to give them rhythm.

Now it was reported that some players were dissatisfied.

That's not true, there's a lot going on around it.

Today a few newcomers and players who haven't played that much lately get their chance, they should take their chance.

There is no reason to step on the brakes, just flat out.”

… Kingsley Coman's injury:

"I didn't talk King into tearing the fiber, I'm happy when everyone is healthy."

Pellegrino Matarazzo (coach VfB Stuttgart) before the game over...

...the match plan:

"The approach is to get into our game.

That depends on what Bayern allows us to do with the amount of pressing.

We want to counterattack, but make bold and smart decisions when we have the ball.

But we mustn't take too many risks, so we don't concede stupid goals."

Klaus Augenthaler (club representative FC Bayern) before the game over...

...the many changes from Nagelsmann:

"Today he brings in one or the other fresh man.

He has 23 almost equal players, then it should be enough against VfB.”

...the burden of the Champions League:

"It's not difficult to get the focus.

Sometimes you feel shaky or a little tired after a flight.

You have to concentrate against VfB.”

...the loss of Lewandowski:

"Lewandowski's departure doesn't hurt.

Letting him go was the right move.

You could see that the team up front was a threat to score.”

...the duel against Stuttgart:

"I can imagine that FC Bayern will put real pressure on."

...Lewandowski's return with Barcelona on Tuesday:

"Only football writes such stories.

First the bickering about him and then you're standing here a few weeks later with your ex-team.

It's going to be very interesting.”

...Bayern's role as favorites in the Champions League:

“Bayern were also favorites when we lost to Villarreal.

The further you go, the thinner the air gets.

You earn money in the Champions League.

If you look at the English teams, you think they print the money.”

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