The Limited Times

Champions League: will Hakimi still be booed by the Israeli public during Maccabi Haifa-PSG?

9/12/2022, 5:44:06 AM

The Moroccan had been heavily whistled during the last two Champions Trophies, disputed in Tel Aviv. Facing Haifa, that the club of the

He dismissed the question with a wave of his hand and a smile, as if the subject had never crossed his mind.

This Saturday evening, September 10 in the mixed zone, following PSG's victory against Brest (1-0), Achraf Hakimi was asked about the upcoming Champions League match in Haifa, Israel, where the public gave it a full-bodied welcome when Paris played there for the past two years, the Champions Trophy.

“Does this work for me?

No, no, he assured, in French in the text.

I will be with the team, it is not a problem for me.

I'm going to play and then I'm going to go home


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