The Limited Times

Delon, the Pompidou couple, a Corsican gangster… a comic reveals the underside of the Markovic affair

9/12/2022, 1:26:20 PM

At the end of 1968, the news item, involving Alain Delon and Claude Pompidou, the wife of the future president, had held the whole of France in suspense.

A movie star, an ex-Prime Minister and his wife, a Corsican mobster and a Yugoslav bodyguard… This explosive casting is not that of a B series but of the Markovic affair, both criminal and political , which will make headlines for months in 1968. On October 1 of that year, a ragpicker discovered a decomposing body in a public dump, near Élancourt (Yvelines).

It is that of Stevan Markovic, handyman of the actor Alain Delon, 33 years old and already a star.

Quickly, suspicion fell on François Marcantoni, a Corsican gangster, friend of the actor.

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