The Limited Times

Esport: France moves up a gear by hosting a new major event

9/12/2022, 5:14:30 AM

On May 21, 2023, the AccorHotel Arena in Paris-Bercy will host a Major on the game Counter Strike, one of the most important tournaments in the world.

If you are here, it is because we wanted to have this gesture of recognition and be able to celebrate French esports, your disciplines and your champions.

Today begins a new era, not simply to recognize you but to help you structure yourself, move forward and progress.

The 2024 Olympics can be an opportunity to set very important objectives and to use this event to mobilize French and international esports.

We will work together.

The objective is that between now and 2024 we manage to have major international events.

“On June 3, during a reception at the Elysée Palace for the main representatives of French esports, Emmanuel Macron had been clear about his intention to further develop the practice of the discipline in France.

And obviously, the President of the Republic was quick to be heard...

Indeed, Blast, a company specializing in the organization of major events or content around different games (Counter-Strike, DOTA 2, Valorant, Apex Legends, FIFA 2022 and Fortnite to name only the most famous), has formalized the holding, on May 21, 2023, of a Major CS:GO (Counter Strike: Global Offensive) within the confines of the AccorHotel Arena in Paris-Bercy, which could accommodate up to 15,000 fans.

An enclosure which will not be its first in the world of esports since the final of the League of Legends World Championships (LOL) was organized there in November 2019 or more recently the Trackmania Cup or the Karmine Corp's KCX – one of the two leading clubs on the esports scene in France along with Vitality – in June.

Be as successful both in terms of

assistance than atmosphere.

The organization of a CS:GO Major therefore promises to be the icing on a cake, to say the least, of a discipline that continues to grow.

Thus, according to various studies, nearly 73% of French people play video games very occasionally or more occasionally.

And there would be around 9 million players taking a close interest in and/or practicing esports.

Figures, of course, that are difficult to verify with certainty.

On the other hand, what is, are the audience figures of the various retransmissions on Twitch or Youtube, as for the LFL (French professional championship of LOL).

The choice of Paris to receive this CS:GO Major is therefore not a real surprise, and rather a logical continuation in the development of esports in France.

Note that only the final will take place in Paris, the different qualifying phases, they,

should crisscross the French roads according to a schedule yet to be defined.

As well as the opening date of the ticket office has not yet been determined.

But there is no doubt that it will not be necessary to hang around to hope to be part of the party on May 21 at Bercy.