The Limited Times

National: "We don't have the same vision" ... Why everything opposes Red Star and Paris 13 Atletico

9/12/2022, 7:32:37 AM

The two Ile-de-France teams face each other this Monday (9 p.m.) at the Stade Bauer at the end of the 5th day of National. A real derby of

A little over five years ago, finding such a Parisian derby in the National seemed unimaginable.

Red Star then played in Ligue 2 and Paris 13 Atletico (ex-Gobelins) in Regional 1, four divisions below.

A small chasm that the 13th arrondissement club has filled thanks to its three climbs (N 3 in 2017, N 2 in 2019 and National last May).

The Red Star went down to the National in 2019 and therefore begins its 4th season there.

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