The Limited Times

In L'Aquila, the first commander of the Alpini will lead the battalion

9/14/2022, 3:51:39 PM

For the first time a woman will lead a battalion of the Alpini, the 9 / o Regiment L'Aquila, made up of about 450 soldiers: the inauguration ceremony of Army Lieutenant Colonel Monica Segat is scheduled for tomorrow and will not be the last in the 2022 ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - ROME, SEPTEMBER 14 - For the first time a woman will lead a battalion of the Alpini, the 9 / o Regiment L'Aquila, made up of about 450 soldiers: the inauguration ceremony of Lieutenant Colonel Monica Segat is scheduled for tomorrow and it will not be the last in 2022 for a woman belonging to the armed force.

In July, in fact, Lieutenant Colonel Sara Scala took office at the head of the 232 / th Transmission Regiment of Avellino and on 2 September it was the turn of her colleague Michela De Santis, also a lieutenant colonel, to take command of one of the four tactical groups that make up the operation ' Safe roads' in Rome: by the end of the year 7 women will lead a battalion.

    "To my men and women - Commander Segat tells ANSA - I will say that they must understand that I will demand the utmost commitment from them. But at the same time they must know that I will be the first to accept themselves in question. And my door will always be open".


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