The Limited Times

Learning empathy: Psychologist explains what parents need to consider

9/14/2022, 1:28:01 PM

Learning empathy: Psychologist explains what parents need to consider Created: 09/14/2022, 15:12 By: Natalie Hull Drawbar In order to learn compassion and empathy, children need adults who model social behavior for them. (Iconic image) © Irina Hess/Imago Being able to put yourself in the shoes of other people and understand feelings – this ability is innate. However, children must learn this.

Learning empathy: Psychologist explains what parents need to consider

Created: 09/14/2022, 15:12

By: Natalie Hull Drawbar

In order to learn compassion and empathy, children need adults who model social behavior for them.

(Iconic image) © Irina Hess/Imago

Being able to put yourself in the shoes of other people and understand feelings – this ability is innate.

However, children must learn this.

But how?

Most of us probably care about feeling understood and respected.

This also includes our fellow human beings recognizing our needs and feelings and taking them seriously.

The people around us will feel the same way, they too want compassion.

The ability to empathize with others is called empathy. knows how children can learn compassion and empathy.

The fact is: empathy is fundamentally innate, but it has to be developed and encouraged, especially in children.

People in Denmark rely a lot on promoting empathy in their upbringing, with their special LUCKY formula.

The better the parents serve as a good role model, the sooner their own child learns to respond to their environment, to be considerate and to develop compassion.

Simple everyday tips to promote empathy can help!

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.