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The birth chart of Queen Elizabeth II reveals sides of her personality that we did not know - voila! Spirit and horoscope

9/14/2022, 7:15:06 AM

Analyzing Queen Elizabeth II's birth chart and elements of her inner and emotional world can explain a number of facts related to her character and way of life. Here is the side you are less familiar with

The birth chart of Queen Elizabeth II reveals sides of her personality that we did not know

Analyzing Queen Elizabeth II's birth chart and elements of her inner and emotional world can explain a number of facts related to her character and way of life.

The astrologer Yair Tribalsky explains: "There is no doubt that Elizabeth paid a high price for silencing her inner voice"

Yair Trivalsky


Wednesday, September 14, 2022, 10:10

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But in Britain: Queen Elizabeth II dies at the age of 96 (Credit: Reuters)

A sea of ​​articles, posts and entire books have been written and are being written about Queen Elizabeth II after her death.

The sheet will be shortened from following everyone and the events she was a part of from the middle of the last century until today.

These materials are everywhere - and at hand.

Maybe that's why I didn't deal with the dozens of events that accompanied her reign, the personalities she met and the processes she was a part of, but with an analysis of the structure of her natal chart and elements of her inner and emotional world that can explain some facts related to her character and way of life.

So what does a real queen's birth chart look like?

What is special about her?

And how did Elizabeth manage to rule Great Britain for an entire era?

I will refer to the last sentence first.

The sun (orange arrow) in her natal chart is in Taurus and the horizon is in Capricorn: these two belong to the practical and stable earth element - and this combination in itself largely signifies a stable and practical life.

With the emphasis on the authoritative and rigid Saturn (black arrow), the ruler of the horizon which is right on top of the sky - in the highest place in the birth chart - it can be said that the words stability, control and authority represent her in a big way.

The horizon in Capricorn shows a restrained and introverted persona, who only at a later age began to relatively liberate and reveal to the world more personal content than the restrained and authoritative position that it symbolizes so accurately.

Birth chart of Queen Elizabeth II

Queen Elizabeth II's birth chart (Photo: Yair Tribalsky)

The Moon (blue arrow), such a significant element in every woman's life, which symbolizes both the female archetype that grew into it and indirectly her mother, is in the royal sign of Leo.

In this sign there are often people who reached greatness and the authority that was given to them as if naturally - even if they were not born into it, like Mikhail Gorbachev, but this authoritative touch of the lion is present in her in every aspect and accompanies this map throughout its length.

The sun - the "true self" of the owner of the map - which is in the first degree in Taurus, represents a rather quiet and passive character, whose strength is not necessarily in her actions and initiatives, but rather in the security and silence she instills in her surroundings.

The Sun has almost no angles with other stars and the Moon also has only one clear tension angle with the emotional Venus (arrow and pink).

The lack of angles shows that the two components of her personality are not active by themselves and have not received significant legitimacy for personal expression, so that they are controlled by active systems of their own and function in low gear most of the time, without the need to leave a mark.

There are actually two concepts here: one related to the mother and heritage - the clear, royal and precise rules of Leo, and the second concept - the giving itself, when in Pisces Venus functions in giving without limits, an element that is received for example as charity, as donations to the needy and perhaps also as inclusion and compassion in the relationships themselves.

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This authoritative touch of the lion stood out very much in her (Photo: Reuters)

Venus in Pisces is also connected to her creative side - the queen had a very creative and colorful wardrobe.

However, Venus as mentioned also creates an angle of tension (in a dashed line) with the Moon, which shows a tension between the active Moon that must act according to the control rituals of Leo, and the creative and gentle side with the cancellation of the ego of Venus in Pisces.

Here, in a certain way, a conflict is expressed between the need to listen to her inner voice and express her unique side and the need to silence this inner voice, in order to conform to the rules of the house and family.

There is no doubt that Elizabeth paid a high price for silencing this inner voice and perhaps because of this she was not particularly forgiving when her daughter-in-law, Princess Diana, went through the exact same process against the strict rules of the royal house.

We can see this beautifully in the strained communication with Princess Diana (who is symbolized by Venus in her chart) and her need to act in an individualistic manner as the Pisces, gentle and creative Venus - from a soft, empathetic and compassionate place (as opposed to the strict rituals and rules of the royal house symbolized by the Moon in Leo).

In a more radical way, this conflict is expressed in the angle of confrontation between the Moon in Leo and the angles of the planet Jupiter (greenish arrow) and Mars the planet of initiative (red arrow), both in the social and open sign Aquarius opposite, in her first house.

The conflict between the universal, social side and openness to the world versus the strict rules of the mother figure also explains the way in which Elizabeth grew up alongside her mother - and later also the conflict and confrontations with Princess Diana who fought to express her open social side and had difficulty facing the strict demands of the royal house and Queen Elizabeth.

There is no doubt that Elizabeth paid a high price for silencing this inner voice and perhaps because of this she was not particularly forgiving of her daughter-in-law, Princess Diana (Photo: Reuters)

Another clue to a different type of communication with the queen is found in the position of Mercury, the star of communication (in the light blue arrow), which is in the cardinal and assertive sign of Aries, which shows that the queen has another side that is not always easy to see on the outside - a slightly domineering side, with a need for immediate gratification and quick and extreme decisions When things seem like they are getting out of control.

In the circles around the map, on the outside, are the stars in transit - that is, in their current position in the sky.

Of all the five, I can point out a fascinating effect of the rigid Saturn (in a black circle) with the thin black line coming out of it symbolizing its conjunction to Mars in the Queen's natal chart on the very day of her death.

It's a fascinating juxtaposition that shows us some of the factors related to the Queen's death and the atmosphere surrounding the death.

Mars in the Queen's natal chart is ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, and symbolizes her powerful energy axis.

Saturn's attachment to this axis burdens and paralyzes both her communication and her ability to move on this day.

This means that from the point of view of the map and from the point of view of the Queen herself, symbolically, the dignity of Saturn that silences the movement of Mars and the words of Mercury - is death itself.

For more predictions and updates by the astrologer Yair Tribalsky click here >>

Watch the full analysis of her birth chart:

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