The Limited Times

Von der Leyen, confident that any government will implement the NRP

9/14/2022, 4:40:27 PM

"Italy has an excellent Next Generation EU recovery plan, the largest plan in the EU, a very important investment with a strong use of resources, for example, in all renewable energies. (ANSA)

(ANSA) - STRASBOURG, SEPTEMBER 14 - "Italy has an excellent plan for resuming Next Generation EU, the largest plan in the EU, a very important investment with a strong use of resources, for example, in all renewable energies. And It is also important to know that the NRRR for everyone is limited in time. We have a contract with 26 states, just as we have with Italy

   . the government will support this excellent plan that Italy has ".

   This was stated by the president of the EU Commission Ursula von derLeyen in an interview with Tg3 broadcast at 7pm. (ANSA).