The Limited Times

Learning English at school: why it's so complicated to teach it

9/17/2022, 7:19:02 AM

The programs provide an hour and a half of English per week from CP. But the teachers, left to their own devices, find it difficult to ensure

Every Monday and Friday, the ritual is well established.

Claire puts her queen's tiara on her head and speaks to her CM1 students in English.

For forty-five minutes, the ban on speaking French takes precedence.

All exchanges between the children and their teacher must take place in the language of Shakespeare.

“For a long time, I did not dare to provide this course and I exchanged my hours of English with a colleague for his hours of history and geography, says this school teacher in Cournon (Puy-de-Dôme).

And then I discovered a gold mine with a program developed by the educational advisers of Creuse.

Everything is based on the game with the students.

In general, they are hyperenthusiastic.

Fortunately I came across this, because the administration does not really provide teaching tools for English,

or else it's dusting.


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