The Limited Times

After a visit to the Wiesn: How do you get your dirndls and lederhosen clean again? Expert gives tips

9/19/2022, 7:08:20 PM

Dirndl and Lederhosen have their high season at Oktoberfest. But what is the best way to get the sometimes very sensitive robe clean if it has suffered on the fairgrounds?

Dirndl and Lederhosen have their high season at Oktoberfest.

But what is the best way to get the sometimes very sensitive robe clean if it has suffered on the fairgrounds?

Dirndl and lederhosen have to endure a lot at the Wiesn, because splashes of fat from chicken, beer and mustard easily leave unwanted stains on clothing.

But what's the best way to get them out?

We asked Christian Eichermüller (22), junior boss at the costume tailoring company of the same name in Miesbach, what to look out for.

Mr. Eichermüller, what can you do to get stains out of lederhosen?

First you have to distinguish whether it is goatskin or deerskin.

Because liquids leave slight edge marks in the goatskin.

Deerskin, on the other hand, is easier to care for - the liquid simply soaks into it.

In general, you should leave the leather trousers as they are.

Smaller stains can usually be removed easily with curd soap and cold water.

After a visit to the Wiesn: stains on the costume - just don't wash the lederhosen

How exactly does it work?

Apply the water and very carefully brush out the stain with a soft brush.

In the case of more difficult stains, it is advisable to go straight to a dry cleaner who understands traditional costumes and lederhosen.

What you shouldn't do: wash the leather trousers and lay them in the sun.

This makes it rock hard and you can throw it away afterwards.

However, many stains disappear over the years.

We have 30-year-old lederhosen here, they look better than new ones.

A certain patina makes the lederhosen stand out.

Stains on the traditional costume: Expert advises - "Wash the dirndl alone in the washing machine"

It might be more difficult with stains in a dirndl, right?

With a dirndl, you should first check the laundry label to see what the fabric can handle.

In general, we recommend washing the dirndl alone in the washing machine and spinning at a maximum of 600 revolutions, because otherwise it will become creased, and experience has shown that this can no longer be removed.

What also works is a small hand wash with soap.

Or you can take it straight to the cleaners.

And silk aprons?

Polyester silk mostly tolerates hand washing, real silk is ruined.

That's why it's best to leave your expensive clothes in the closet at Oktoberfest.


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