The Limited Times

Cleaning the oven grate: Detergent ice cubes should also remove stubborn dirt

9/19/2022, 12:14:53 PM

Cleaning the oven: One of the household chores that people like to put off. Various home remedies promise quick help – including the ice cube trick.

Cleaning the oven: One of the household chores that people like to put off.

Various home remedies promise quick help – including the ice cube trick.

Delicious oven-roasted vegetables, a quick pizza or baked rolls at the weekend: the oven is in constant use in many households.

It would have to be cleaned accordingly.

But for many, this procedure falls short.

It's too awkward to have to contort yourself to get even the furthest corners of the oven clean.

And cleaning the baking tray and grid is also one of the unpleasant tasks for many.

The latter can be done in no time at all - without any chemicals.


Is your oven in constant use?

Then the rust will badly need cleaning.

© Imago

Removing fat and dirt from the oven grate – it’s that easy

Blogger Tanya, who describes herself as the "Queen of Hacks", shows various cleaning tricks on her Instagram channel.

A video is about how you can quickly remove even stubborn dirt from the oven grate:

Check out this post on Instagram



The good thing about the ice cube trick: the frozen cubes of washing-up liquid have the perfect shape to get into the cracks in the oven grate.

How to proceed:

  • Fill empty ice cube molds with washing-up liquid.

  • Place them in the freezer or in the freezer until the detergent cubes are hard.

  • Remove a cube from the mold and rub it over the grooves of the grate.

  • Repeat this process until no grease or dirt sticks to the grate.

You forget these spots all the time when cleaning

You forget these spots all the time when cleaning

List of rubrics: © Imago