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Hypothyroidism: 11 foods to eat at Hashimoto's

9/19/2022, 3:14:43 PM

Hypothyroidism: 11 foods to eat at Hashimoto's Created: 09/19/2022, 17:00 By: Judith Brown Hashimoto patients often suffer from hypothyroidism. With the right diet, however, it can be positively influenced. 1 / 11Hashimoto patients should focus primarily on anti-inflammatory foods. Peppers are one of the vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Broccoli, Brussels sprouts,

Hypothyroidism: 11 foods to eat at Hashimoto's

Created: 09/19/2022, 17:00

By: Judith Brown

Hashimoto patients often suffer from hypothyroidism.

With the right diet, however, it can be positively influenced.

1 / 11Hashimoto patients should focus primarily on anti-inflammatory foods.

Peppers are one of the vegetables and fruits that contain vitamin C (ascorbic acid).

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, kale, fennel, sea buckthorn, rosehip, kiwi, black currants and citrus fruits also work well.

© Francis Joseph Dean/Dean Picture/IMAGO

2 / 11Plant oils such as olive oil, but above all wheat germ oil and red palm oil provide vitamin E and are therefore recommended for Hashimoto's.

They are also antioxidants that are quite heat resistant.

© zidi/Panthermedia/IMAGO

3 / 11For Hashimoto, vegetables and fruits in red, blue or violet are particularly recommended.

These include apples, berries, pomegranates, cherries and plums.

They contain polyphenols.

These antioxidants are particularly found in the leaves of plants.

They also contain olives and olive oil, soy, drinks such as green tea, coffee, (dark) cocoa, red wine and many spices such as oregano and cinnamon.

© Francis Joseph Dean/Dean Picture/IMAGO

4 / 11In addition to papaya, grapefruit, carrots, lamb's lettuce, kale and watermelon, tomatoes also provide carotenoids such as lycopene and beta-carotene.

They are also among the antioxidants.

Ripe tomatoes contain a lot of lycopene, canned tomatoes and tomato paste even more.

© Maksim Konstantinov/IMAGO

5 / 11Pineapple contains bromelain, which is not only anti-inflammatory but also anticoagulant.

© YAY Images/IMAGO

6 / 11Turmeric (turmeric) and curry powder provide curcumin.

It not only helps with Hashimoto's, but also with arthrosis in particular, as it relieves pain.

It is also said to inhibit cancer.

© Hans-Joachim Schneider/IMAGO

7 / 11Chillies and peppers contain capsaicin.

This is an alkaloid that occurs naturally in various types of peppers and has a pain-relieving and blood circulation-promoting effect.

© Georg Schierling/IMAGO

8 / 11Rosehip, the whole fruit as a powder - not in rosehip tea, provides galactolipids.

They have an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, they are fat-soluble and disintegrate when heated above 40 degrees.

As a jam, rose hips therefore have less healing properties.

© F. Hecker/Imago

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9 / 11In addition to linseed, linseed oil, chia oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil and various types of fish (e.g. salmon, herring, mackerel, anchovies), walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids.

These have an anti-inflammatory effect and are therefore essential for Hashimoto patients.

They can also be shown to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease when taken regularly.

© David Munoz/IMAGO

10 / 11Garlic and onions contain sulfides and have an antibacterial and vascular protective effect.

© Liang Sen/IMAGO

11 / 11Almonds also have an anti-inflammatory effect and, in addition to other foods, provide minerals and trace elements such as magnesium, zinc, iron and selenium.

You can also get these from dark cocoa powder, soy products, legumes, sesame, whole grains, pumpkin seeds, spinach, berries, poultry, salmon, liver and dark green leafy vegetables.

© IMAGO/Alex Salcedo

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease.

It is the main cause of hypothyroidism, in which the thyroid is chronically inflamed.

The disease is not curable.

However, with the help of an anti-inflammatory diet, patients can try to influence it positively and relieve the symptoms.

For those affected, certain foods are therefore particularly recommended due to their ingredients and their anti-inflammatory effect.

This article only contains general information on the respective health topic and is therefore not intended for self-diagnosis, treatment or medication.

In no way does it replace a visit to the doctor.

Unfortunately, our editors are not allowed to answer individual questions about clinical pictures.

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