The Limited Times

Salvini, Calabria needs investments and work

9/19/2022, 4:50:06 PM

"Calabria needs investments: I am thinking of the State Road 106 and the bridge over the Strait of Messina to unite the region with Sicily; it needs to fight against the 'Ndrangheta compared to which, as Minister of the Interior, I have shown that wanting is po ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - CROTONE, September 19 - "Calabria needs investments: I am thinking of the State Road 106 and the bridge over the Messina strait to unite the region with Sicily; it needs to fight against the 'Ndrangheta with respect to which, as Minister of the Interior, I given demonstration that wanting is power. Calabria needs work ".

Lega leader MatteoSalvini said this on the sidelines of an electoral demonstration in Crotone.

   "For migratory flows at the first Council of Ministers, if the League wins - added Salvini - security decrees will be re-proposed that have already worked and will work: enter Italy if you have permission to enter. There is nothing to invent, the minister I did, they sent me to trial for blocking the landings and defending the borders. We cannot have thousands and thousands of illegal immigrants disembark in Calabria, as well as in Sicily every day ".

   "Autonomy - said the leader of the League - is especially useful in the South: I am thinking of the management of cultural heritage. Calabria could live on culture, but often the organization depends on the central state and then there are closed museums. you, the people of Calabria will take care of them ".

   For Salvini, moreover, "where there is a stink of 'Ndrangheta, in the League, there are only kicks in the ass. Long live honest Calabria elibera".