The Limited Times

ERC proposes to Junts to fire half of Laura Borràs' advisers

9/20/2022, 7:50:20 PM

The Republicans seek to resolve the situation of the suspended president's assistants without further straining relations between the two parties

It will be two months since the vote that separated Laura Borràs from the presidency of the Parliament and her suspension continues to be a source of controversy.

Six trusted positions of Borràs remain on the Parliament's payroll, waiting for the Chamber's Table to resolve their situation.

Esquerra Republicana has proposed this Tuesday to Junts that half of the advisers be removed and that the other three remain performing administrative functions.

The Republican Alba Vergés, vice president who exercises the functions of president, met with the six workers a week ago and highlighted that the situation was delicate and that there are no precedents for a case like this.

Advisors receive salaries ranging between 3,400 and 6.

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For now, the Parliament maintains six advisers to Laura Borràs despite the decline of their role

The representatives of Esquerra, the PSC and the CUP at the Parliamentary Board decided to apply Article 25 of the institution's regulations to Laura Borràs, which contemplates the "suspension of parliamentary rights and duties."

Despite this, Ella Borràs is reluctant to give up some of the powers implied by the presidency of Parliament.

Just five days ago she received a delegation from an Israeli port and she also took pride of place during a medal ceremony.

She with honors of authority, she visits fairs and popular festivals, and she is frequently invited to book presentations and cultural events.

His environment affirms that, despite having lost his leadership functions in the Parliament, Borràs retains a social hyperactivity that also drags his collaborators.

Despite everything, Esquerra understands that the team of six assistants cannot be extended.

The proposal, which according to the Republicans has to be finalized in the coming days, involves firing the three collaborators who perform functions more closely linked to the presidential position.

That is, the chief of staff, the press officer and an employee who is in charge of social networks.

The matter is thorny because it affects the tense relationship between Esquerra and Junts.

Borràs does not forgive the Republicans who promoted the suspension of him and, a few days before the general policy debate to be held in Parliament, the matter adds lead to the instability that affects the Government.

Meanwhile, Junts maintains the idea of ​​not presenting any alternative name to Borràs to recover the presidency of the Autonomous Chamber.

Esquerra alleges that, in compliance with the provisions of the government pact, the highest authority in Parliament is reserved for Junts.

Without designating any substitute, it is the Republican Alba Vergés who exercises command functions and Junts only keeps Aurora Madaula on the Table.

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