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Remove urine stone: This simple home remedy works wonders

9/21/2022, 3:21:10 PM

Remove urine stone: This simple home remedy works wonders Created: 09/21/2022, 17:06 By: Helena Gries Urine scale and limescale in the toilet are a breeding ground for bacteria and germs. However, the stains can be easily removed with household remedies. Kassel – For most people, cleaning the toilet is one of the most annoying tasks in the household. Because even if you clean the toilet regula

Remove urine stone: This simple home remedy works wonders

Created: 09/21/2022, 17:06

By: Helena Gries

Urine scale and limescale in the toilet are a breeding ground for bacteria and germs.

However, the stains can be easily removed with household remedies.

Kassel – For most people, cleaning the toilet is one of the most annoying tasks in the household.

Because even if you clean the toilet regularly, sooner or later you will encounter limescale and urine scale.

According to


, these stains are not only unattractive to look at, they can also be a breeding ground for germs and bacteria.

In order to remove urine scale in the toilet, consumers do not have to resort to expensive and aggressive chemicals straight away.

Simple household remedies that many people already have at home can remove the stubborn stains.

Remove urine scale and limescale in the toilet: Vinegar as a miracle cure

Vinegar is considered an all-purpose weapon in the household, including in the bathroom.

To remove urine scale in the toilet, consumers should put three to four tablespoons of vinegar essence in the toilet bowl in the evening and leave it on overnight.

Difficult-to-treat areas around the rim of the toilet can be removed by tucking toilet paper soaked in vinegar essence under the rim.

According to Ökotest

, the urine stone should be able to

be removed with a brush the next morning.

You forget these spots all the time when cleaning

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Another method is suitable for loosening light deposits of lime and urine scale in the toilet.

Baking powder and cola can be used here.

Consumers can mix two to three packs of baking powder with 250 milliliters of cola.

This mixture is then poured into the toilet bowl and left to take effect overnight.

Then you should flush.

Urine scale and lime lead to unsightly dirt and are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria in the toilet.

The stains can be removed with simple household remedies.

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Alternatively, you can pour some coke down the toilet first and then add one to three bags of baking soda.

The foaming mixture should act for at least an hour before the flush is activated.

Remove urine scale: leave citric acid in the toilet overnight

Another popular household helper is citric acid.

It can also be used to remove urine scale by adding three to four tablespoons of pure citric acid to the toilet bowl in the evening.

Ökotest also recommends letting the whole thing take effect overnight.

In the morning, the toilet can then be cleaned as usual.

You should act quickly at the first sign of urine scale, because the longer the deposits remain in the toilet, the more difficult they are to remove.

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