The Limited Times

With the Vive restaurant, Stéphanie Le Quellec takes the plunge

9/23/2022, 3:57:48 PM

GASTRONOMIC CRITICISM - In the company of her husband David, who runs the kitchens, the 2-star chef opens, at the beginning of October, a marine brand located on avenue des Ternes (Paris 17th). Preview visit.

Four letters replace four others but the iodized course is maintained.

Saturday October 1, Stéphanie Le Quellec, one of the rare women with two Michelin stars (La Scène, Paris 8th), will inaugurate Vive in what was almost a hundred years old during the Rech brasserie.

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Opened in 1925, the institution dedicated to the sea, bought by Alain Ducasse in 2007, moved last year to the House of Latin America.

"Taking over Rech constitutes a double pressure: because the restaurant has always existed and because we are succeeding Alain Ducasse!"

says the chef.

“I saw it was for sale when I happened to pass by in February.

I wasn't looking to open a business at the time, but I asked to visit anyway.

Two days later, it was signed.

I work on instinct!”

Sharing and sake

The question of keeping the marine DNA of the address was quickly decided.

“My husband is Breton, we have worked for a long time near the Mediterranean and spend our weekends in our house in Normandy…

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