The Limited Times

Cuba, referendum says yes to gay marriages and adoptions

9/26/2022, 1:41:18 PM

With almost 67% of the votes in favor, Cuba said "Yes" to the reform of the Family Code submitted yesterday to a referendum, which introduces gay marriages and adoptions and surrogacy in the country, among the novelties. (HANDLE)

(ANSA) - HAVANA, SEPTEMBER 26 - With almost 67% of the votes in favor, Cuba said "Yes" to the reform of the Family Code submitted yesterday to a referendum, which introduces gay marriages and adoptions and surrogacy in the country, amidst the change.

This was announced today by the president of the National Electoral Council (Cen), Alina Balseiro, according to what was reported by the state agency Prensa Latina.

    Balseiro said that although the count has yet to be concluded in some colleges of three provinces, the CEN validates these results as "valid and irreversible".


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