The Limited Times

The restaurant relaxes 12 people a table on Thursday, Leung Pak-hsien pointed out that it is unreasonable to maintain the limit of gatherings for 4 people

10/1/2022, 12:37:24 PM

From next Thursday (6th), restaurants can resume one set for 12 people. However, there has not been any announcement on the restriction of gatherings. Currently, there are 4 people, or there may be a miracle that "12 people have to leave in 3 batches after eating." Leung Pak-yin, former chief executive of the Hospital Authority

From next Thursday (6th), restaurants can resume one set for 12 people. However, there has not been any announcement on the restriction of gatherings. Currently, there are 4 people, or there may be a miracle that "12 people have to leave in 3 batches after eating."

Leung Pak-yin, the former chief executive of the Hospital Authority, pointed out that the relevant measures should be adjusted as soon as possible, or a stronger rationale should be given to relieve the public's doubts.

Liang Baixian.

(File photo/Photo by Zhu Yunfei)

From next week, restaurants can have a maximum of 12 people, and bars are also relaxed to 6 people.

However, so far, the gathering limit order remains unchanged at 4 people.

Regarding this gap, Leung Pak-yin pointed out that some people think that the gathering restriction order is a relatively broad epidemic prevention measure, involving different occasions and activities, and it is acceptable to relax it later.

However, he pointed out that "involving different occasions and activities" is not specific, and occasions such as banquets, sports, fitness, drinking, singing K, etc. can have more than 4 people, and there must be more than 4 people on public transportation on weekdays. He asked why No more than 4 people can walk on the street wearing a mask, which is unreasonable from the perspective of epidemic prevention.

The previous government empowered the Secretary for Food and Health to adjust the number of people at any time

In April, the government relaxed the number of people in dine-in restaurants from two to four. Since the gathering restriction order needs to be passed by the Executive Council, there is also a gap that the gathering restriction order "cannot keep up".

The previous government, which met with the Executive Council on April 20, had empowered the then Secretary for Food and Health to adjust the number of people in the gathering restriction order.

Zhang Jianzong commented on the epidemic prevention as a citizen: the direction is correct, the closure is too resistant, and the epidemic prevention cannot be relaxed for a long time | From 10.6, the restaurant will allow 12 people to have one set, and the bar will withdraw 6 people for each set of high seas. A lot of business ︱ political affairs