The Limited Times

"Operation Car Wash": Ex-President Lula's interesting take on things

10/2/2022, 12:43:06 PM

"Operation Car Wash": Ex-President Lula's interesting take on things Created: 10/02/2022, 2:30 p.m By: Patrick Reichelt Today there are elections in Brazil. One of the candidates: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. In investigations into "Operation Car Wash" he was on the list of suspects. Munich – Sometime on September 7th, Luis Inacio da Silva was also given these pictures. From Manaus, from the cap

"Operation Car Wash": Ex-President Lula's interesting take on things

Created: 10/02/2022, 2:30 p.m

By: Patrick Reichelt

Today there are elections in Brazil.

One of the candidates: Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

In investigations into "Operation Car Wash" he was on the list of suspects.

Munich – Sometime on September 7th, Luis Inacio da Silva was also given these pictures.

From Manaus, from the capital Brasilia, from the Copacobana in Rio de Janeiro.

With crowds celebrating the 200th anniversary of independence.

But they clearly celebrated not only their country.

They celebrated da Silva's rivals.

They celebrated Jair Bolsonaro, the man he actually wanted to bowl out of the presidency.

On this day at the latest, he should have realized that this mission could get dicey.

Almost helplessly, the 76-year-old, whom everyone just calls Lula, announced that he believed Brazil owed him something.

Which is an interesting way of looking at things.

Yes, there are also people who remember that the country also experienced good things when he ruled from 2003 to 2011.

But the structure of lies and half-truths that came to light later is much more memorable.

In the course of investigating Operation Lava Jato ("Car Wash"), which revolved around a massive corruption scandal centered on the semi-state-owned energy company Petrobras.

Operation Car Wash investigation: Lula convicted three times

For several years, the team led by the ambitious public prosecutor Deltan Dalagnol from Curitiba in southern Brazil has been poking around in an increasingly unimaginable swamp.

By 2016 alone, there were over 1,300 court cases, and 174 people from business and politics alone were imprisoned.

The list of those accused later became a Who's Who of Brazilian politics.

Incidentally, this was also stated by Senator Renan Calheiros, who was later to head the Corona investigation committee against President Bolsonaro.

And it said: Luis Inacio Lula da Silva.

One thing is clear: It is completely inconceivable that the powerful president and labor leader knew nothing.

Of the funds that changed hands at the highest level.

But the concrete evidence against him was considered at least controversial.

The opinion persists that Dalagnol and Judge Sergio Moro wanted the coup against the ex-head of state a little too badly.

But the proceedings in several cases got rolling, Lula was convicted three times.

In the second instance, the sentence was even increased from 9 to 12 years.

Brazil Election 2022: election posters in the streets of Brasilia © Evaristo Sa/AFP

Brazil election 2022: Lula wants to present herself as a savior

Who knows how things would have turned out if Judge Sergio Moro of all people had not allowed himself to be appointed Minister of Justice in the Bolsonaro government.

Reports from an investigative magazine about alleged collusion did the rest.

The Supreme Court, most of whose members were nominated by Lula and his fellow party members, gladly accepted the ball.

Lula was released, with reference to a passage in Brazilian law according to which detention is only possible after all instances have been exhausted.

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The sentences were overturned shortly afterwards.

But not because of errors in content, but because it was found that the court in Curitiba was not responsible for the case.

Rumors persist that the decision also had something to do with investigators getting too close to the chief justices themselves.

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No matter - the way was clear for Lula's big comeback attempt.

In the summer, the ex-president announced his candidacy for the presidential election.

His idea quickly became clear: he wanted to present himself as a kind of savior who would liberate the country from the rule of right-wing Jair Bolsonaro.

But in recent weeks it has become increasingly clear that many Brazilians do not want to be freed.

One feels in good hands with the gnarly incumbent, who represents typical Brazilian values.

And they certainly didn't want it from Luis Inacio Lula da Silva, in whom many do not see the miscarriage of justice but rather the man who systematically robbed the country.

By September 7 at the latest, that will also have become clear to da Silva. 

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