The Limited Times

Implants, prostheses, rhinoplasties… The list of failures in court

10/7/2022, 5:40:01 PM

TESTIMONIALS - If a third of cases concern dental procedures, cosmetic surgery also figures prominently in the ranking of medical errors.

Before the courts, medical disputes are not necessarily those that we believe.

Thus, it is not the most serious and heaviest pathologies that arrive in large numbers in the courtrooms.

The champions in all categories before the medical liability chamber of the Paris court are dental procedures, the branch of medicine most affected by deregulation and the relaxation of the conditions of exercise in recent years.

“This concerns a third of our cases and this share is increasingly important

, testifies a magistrate who is a long-term specialist in personal injury litigation.

This increase is linked to the development of dental care centres.”

The palm of error goes to

“implants whose cost is between 1200 and 1500 euros.

Expenses which lead the patient to turn to the low cost dental market”

, comments the judge.

After the deregulation of the sector, these dental centers flourished in city centers…

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