The Limited Times

Bennett is considering leaving his position immediately after the elections, and the right-wing bloc in the government will lose the veto - voila! 2022 election

10/8/2022, 6:09:25 PM

Bennett is currently considering the possibility of leaving his position immediately after the elections - this is despite the possibility that a government will not be formed and Lapid will hold his position during the transition period as well

Bennett is considering leaving his position immediately after the elections, and the right-wing bloc in the government will lose the veto

Bennett is currently examining the possibility of leaving his position immediately after the elections - although there is a possibility that a government will not be formed and Lapid will also hold his position during the transition period.

Bennett's office: "will decide on the continuation of his path according to the circumstances after the elections"

Yaki Adamker


Saturday, October 8, 2022, 8:24 p.m. Updated: 8:31 p.m.

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Alternate Prime Minister Naftali Bennett is currently considering the possibility of leaving his position immediately after the elections - although there is a possibility that no government will be formed and Prime Minister Yair Lapid will serve in his position even during the transition period that will last at least six months.

The Ministry of Justice dealt with the question of whether Bennett would be able to serve in this position even though he is not a member of the Knesset.

The question arose in light of the fact that a prime minister must also serve as a MK at the same time. According to a publication in Haaretz, a team of the legal adviser to the government, Gali Beharev Miara, determined that Bennett could serve in a position similar to former prime minister Ehud Olmert who served as prime minister even though he was not a member of the Knesset.

Bennett (Photo: Reuven Castro)

Following Bennett's intention to leave the position, the Minister of the Interior, Ayelet Shaked, turned to him and demanded that if he leaves his position before the formation of the new government, the veto powers be transferred to her, "in order not to leave control in the hands of the left."

In a statement from her office, it was stated: "The minister considers it of the utmost importance to preserve the veto, the patrimonial structure and maintaining the power of the right-wing bloc and expects Lapid to abide by the conclusions."

Despite Shaked's demand, in the current law on which the government is based, there is no possibility of transferring the veto powers to a minister other than the alternate prime minister, and if Bennett leaves his position, the veto to the right-wing bloc in the government will be lost until the formation of the next government.

Bennett's office said in response: "Bennett will serve as an alternate prime minister until the elections, when he will decide on the continuation of his path according to the circumstances."

  • 2022 election


  • Naftali Bennett