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Holiday 2023: "Overtourism" - You shouldn't go to these places anymore

10/8/2022, 4:10:30 PM

Holiday 2023: You shouldn't go to these places anymore Created: 08/10/2022, 18:00 By: Jasmine Farah Mallorca, Venice, Crete: These are popular holiday destinations, but they are also overcrowded. Locals and nature groan, a rethink is needed. Due to the corona crisis, most people have spent a lot of time in their own four walls. Since everything was relaxed again, it seems as if many want to ma

Holiday 2023: You shouldn't go to these places anymore

Created: 08/10/2022, 18:00

By: Jasmine Farah

Mallorca, Venice, Crete: These are popular holiday destinations, but they are also overcrowded.

Locals and nature groan, a rethink is needed.

Due to the corona crisis, most people have spent a lot of time in their own four walls.

Since everything was relaxed again, it seems as if many want to make up for the lost holidays this year.

Be it in Croatia, Italy or Mallorca: Tourists swarmed everywhere, sometimes crowded together on the beach like sardines.

But popular sightseeing cities like Venice also groaned in the face of the renewed influx of holidaymakers.

Holiday 2023: You shouldn't go to these places anymore

Many beaches in Crete are already crowded with tourists.

© Nikolas /Imago

Locals are now happy that the high season is over and the quieter off-season is approaching.

But many Germans are already planning their next summer holidays for 2023. After all, you have to book early, especially for popular holiday destinations, in order to get a place in a hotel or an empty holiday apartment.

However, if you don't feel like too much hustle and bustle, you should better avoid the following five places next year.

1. Overcrowded resorts: Mallorca

Although the Mallorcan government has been trying for years to change the image of the most popular island for Germans, the stream of party tourists isn't stopping.

They are magically drawn to the legendary "Ballermann" party mile, cheap beer prices and sangria buckets in "El Arenal".

In addition, the Balearic Islands are served several times a day and the flights are still very cheap.

2. Overcrowded Places: Venice

The Italian lagoon city is a main and pivotal point in cruise tourism.

Thousands of tourists wash into the small town every day, travelers cavort along the canals, making progress is almost unthinkable.

Garbage pollution, flooding and a regular plague of algae, partly caused by climate change, are making the Italian pearl by the sea increasingly unattractive for holidaymakers.

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3. Overcrowded places: Crete

If you don't want to fly that far, but are looking for sun, sand and sea, you often choose the Greek islands.

Crete has been an unbroken favorite for years.

However, it is not only the abundance of holidaymakers that makes beach holidays become stressful, but also climate change.

In Crete, 38 degrees are sometimes reached for weeks, flora and fauna suffer as a result.

In addition, too many visitors leave their rubbish everywhere and/or wander off the marked paths.

This in turn means that the vegetation of the island is significantly destroyed.

You must see these Greek beaches

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4. Overrun Places: Dubrovnik

The Croatian coastal town is picturesque and was even the location of one of the most successful TV series of all time: "Game of Thrones".

As a result, it has grown in popularity in recent years, much to the displeasure of locals.

The streets are crowded with tourists, rubbish is everywhere and political measures have even had to be taken to keep the masses of holidaymakers at bay.

5. Overcrowded Places: Koh Phi Phi Leh (Thailand)

The Thai island, surrounded by a turquoise sea, was once the location for a cult film: "The Beach" with Hollywood star Leonardo DiCaprio.

Many fans made the pilgrimage there to see the picturesque scenery up close.

In the end, the legendary stretch of beach had to be closed by the Thai government because more than 7,000 beach tourists had completely besieged it every day.