The Limited Times

Lower Saxony election is approaching: survey favorite Weil is already counting on the CDU coalition – he wants “red-green”

10/8/2022, 4:57:54 PM

Lower Saxony election is approaching: survey favorite Weil is already counting on the CDU coalition – he wants “red-green” Created: 08/10/2022, 18:47 Lower Saxony election 2022: Stephan Weil (right) and Bernd Althusmann in the state parliament in Hanover © Julian Stratenschulte The Lower Saxony election is also an important mood test for the federal parties. The energy crisis and inflation dete

Lower Saxony election is approaching: survey favorite Weil is already counting on the CDU coalition – he wants “red-green”

Created: 08/10/2022, 18:47

Lower Saxony election 2022: Stephan Weil (right) and Bernd Althusmann in the state parliament in Hanover © Julian Stratenschulte

The Lower Saxony election is also an important mood test for the federal parties.

The energy crisis and inflation determine the election campaign.

The news ticker.

  • State elections


    Lower Saxony

    : SPD top candidate Stephan Weil is already counting the GroKo with the CDU

  • Polls

    for the

    Lower Saxony election

    : SPD leads ahead of the CDU

  • Election campaign


    Lower Saxony

    : Energy crisis and inflation-determining topics

  • This

    news ticker

    for the

    Lower Saxony election 2022

    will be continuously updated.

Hanover/Munich - Red-Green ruled Lower Saxony from 2013 to 2017.

The incumbent Prime Minister Stephan Weil (SPD) is now emphasizing during the election campaign that he would like to “return” to it.

He has been in a grand coalition (“GroKo”) with the CDU for five years.

In addition to the future of the government in Hanover, the state elections in Lower Saxony in 2022 are also about federal politics: they are considered a mood test for the federal parties.

Election in Lower Saxony: SPD relies on red-green - according to the survey, the CDU lacks the options

Weil further explained that the similarities with the CDU had recently “significantly diminished”.

For the Lower Saxony Christian Democrats, on the other hand, there is no really realistic coalition option outside of the SPD.

According to polls for the Lower Saxony election, a black-green alliance is likely to lack a majority - the Greens also largely ruled it out with a view to the political positions of the CDU.

In the polls anyway - unlike in the Sunday question for all of Germany - the SPD leads under Weil.

The Social Democrats are 31 to 33 percent, while the CDU, led by Deputy Prime Minister Bernd Althusmann, comes to 28 to 30 percent.

The Greens are located at 16 percent and would thus be the third strongest force in the Lower Saxony state parliament.

Election campaign in Lower Saxony: energy crisis and inflation

The decisive campaign issues were more federal policy issues: the energy crisis and inflation.

"I've never experienced such an election campaign," groaned Weil himself.

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Althusmann and the CDU, in turn, tried above all to turn the Lower Saxony election into a kind of vote on the crisis management of the SPD-led traffic light coalition under Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

So far without any decisive success, the polls on the election seem to have been stable for some time.

Almost 6.1 million people in Lower Saxony are called on Sunday, October 9th to elect a new state parliament.

If you are also entitled to vote, the Wahl-O-Mat can help you with the decision to vote in Lower Saxony.

In addition, we have an interactive results map to choose from on election night.

There you will find all results at city and community level.


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