The Limited Times

Targeting a military base for the Turkish regime in northern Iraq

10/8/2022, 8:15:40 PM

Baghdad, SANA- A military base belonging to the Turkish regime was attacked near the city of Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq


A military base belonging to the Turkish regime near the city of Mosul, Nineveh Governorate, northern Iraq, was attacked by a missile today.

The Iraqi Alsumaria TV quoted a security source as saying today that the vicinity of the Zlikan base in which Turkish forces are stationed near Mosul were targeted by Grad missiles, indicating that the targeting did not cause any injuries.

For its part, a faction calling itself "Liwa Ahrar al-Iraq" claimed responsibility for firing 4 Grad missiles at the Turkish base, pledging to continue resisting the Turkish occupier until the withdrawal of its last soldier from Iraqi territory.

It is noteworthy that the Turkish regime forces violated the sanctity of Iraqi territory in late 2015 and stationed in the Bashiqa area near the city of Mosul, which the Iraqi government considered an aggression against Iraq and a violation of its sovereignty and a violation of the rules of international law and demanded the withdrawal of Turkish forces.

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