The Limited Times

The political system reacts: "We must return to the targeted possibilities" | Israel today

10/8/2022, 7:45:33 PM

Following the serious attack on Saturday night at the Shoafat checkpoint, a number of politicians condemned the attack and wished a speedy recovery to the injured • Chairman of Otzma Yehudit MK Itamar Ben Gabir: "The IDF soldiers and the residents who became like ducks in the range and there is no justice and no justice" • Chairman of Labor Minister Merav Michaeli: "I trust our security forces to quickly get to these despicable terrorists"

In the wake of the serious attack that took place this evening (Saturday) in Jerusalem, a number of politicians condemned the act and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.

The chairman of the Labor Party, Minister Merav Michaeli, said that this was a "terrible attack on Saturday night.

I trust our security forces to quickly get to these despicable terrorists.

We are all united together in the war against the terrorism that threatens us here."

Merav Michaeli

"Trusting the security forces", photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The chairman of Otzma Yehudit, MK Itamar Ben Gvir, added that "Along with all the people of Israel, I pray for the peace of those injured in the serious attack. There are no rulers, there is laziness. The Gantz intifada is already here, an attack follows an attack and there is no savior. Gantz is an extreme leftist who does not Learns a lesson and continues the policy of weakness towards the enemy who rubs his hands with pleasure and sees how Gantz evacuates Jewish settlements and meets with the terrorist Abu Mazen. Tired of the handlessness of the decision makers who harm the personal security of the IDF soldiers and the residents who have become like ducks in the range and there is no law and no justice.

We need to return to the targeted forces and crush the terrorists wherever they are.

Whoever gives a reward to terrorism must not continue in his position.

Gantz, go home."

Ben Gvir

"Ganz is an extreme leftist who does not learn a lesson", photo: Oren Ben Hakon

The Chairman of Religious Zionism, MK Bezalel Smotrich: "We have been shouting for a long time that terrorism throughout the country is on the rise and that we are deep in the midst of an intifada. Tonight we see the dire results. Lapid and Gantz are inviting terrorism with laziness and weakness. It is time to act with all our might Against terrorism throughout Israel. Praying for the healing of the wounded and for good news."

We have been shouting for a long time that terrorism throughout the country is on the rise and that we are deep in the midst of an intifada.

Tonight we see the dire results.

Lapid and Gantz invite terrorism with laxity and weakness.

The time has come to act with all our might against terrorism throughout Israel.

Praying for the healing of the wounded and for good news.

— Bezalel Smotrich (@bezalelsm) October 8, 2022

Maor Tzemach, chairman of the "Go Jerusalem" organization: "We have repeated and warned in recent weeks about the increase in the level of incitement. Unfortunately, nothing has been done to stop the incitement. Against inciting figures such as Akrama Zabri, Darshan al-Aqsa, one of the leaders of the incitement in Jerusalem,

no action has been taken "No step that will stop them from adding fuel to the fire of terrorism. I call on the Minister of Internal Security Omer Bar Lev to take responsibility for the security of the residents of Jerusalem and tonight to arrest the leaders of the instigators in Jerusalem."

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