The Limited Times

When was the last time? with Moisha Opnik | Israel today

10/8/2022, 9:16:23 PM

He accused us of amateur journalism, got angry at Noa Kohler and visited Israel Aharoni's garbage can • Before his return to the screen in "Elmo's talk show" on the Hop! channel, Moshe Opanik, the puppet with the biggest personality on television for 40 years, was a guest in the "When was the last time" section " and suffered from every moment • We actually enjoyed ourselves

When was the last time you read a book that impacted your life?

I've read the books "Cans in the Attic", "An Act in Five Opniks", "Tan for Rent" and "Of the Bear", but the book I liked the most - "One Hundred Years of Solitude".

A hundred years alone?

Sounds like a dream!

When was the last time you were thanked for your work?

There are some unnecessary words in the Hebrew language - thank is one of them.

When was the last time you got angry?

I'm nervous now.

When was the last time you learned something new?

Elmo insisted in every episode of the show that we would all be photographed - Elmo, the guest and me.

I had no choice, I had to be the photographer.

You can see at the end of each chapter the pictures I took, but you really shouldn't because I hate taking pictures.

When was the last time you worried?

Yesterday I was very worried after they said in the forecast that the humidity is decreasing and the heat load is easing and a pleasant evening is expected.

I don't like pleasant!

When was the last time you made a new friend?

Elmo tried to introduce me to all kinds of friends on our talk show and they didn't always come at a time that suited me.

Between us, it never suits me.

I met Idan Raichel, Shiri Maimon, Guri Alfi, Amir Shorush, Linoi Ashram and many more.

I even met Noa Kohler who told me I was cute, which was really annoying.


When was the last time you were angry?

are you kidding

What is this easy question?

Do you have journalists or amateurs working for you?

It's harder to remember the last time I wasn't angry.

When was the last time you helped a friend?

The only time I really happily agreed to help was when Elmo asked me to investigate the guests' trash cans.

Fortunately for him and unfortunately for me, I agreed.

I really enjoyed the visits to the garbage cans of Israel Aharoni, Amalia Doak, King Zilbershlag and others.

I was shocked by what I found in their bins, but I sign a non-disclosure agreement so you'll have to watch the show to find out what I found there.

When was the last time you cleaned or tidied?

Never, and I don't understand?

Did you not do any research on me before asking these questions?

You should already know that mess is my order.

When was the last time you made an external change?


For 40 years I look the same.

When was the last time you felt stuck?

I used to live in a blue car, I came to Sesame Street with it and it got stuck after a little accident I had, so even though I didn't want to stay living with those nice street dwellers, I got stuck with them for a whopping few years.

He rummaged through the bins of Israel Aharoni and Amalia Doak.

Moisha Opnik, photo: Nir Stolo

When was the last time you had a soul talk?

I have soul talks every day, it's very important.

what do you look surprised

Conversations with myself of course!

When was the last time you admitted to a mistake?

I admit it was a mistake to agree to this interview.

When was the last time you cried?

I'm crying inside now.

When was the last time you apologized?

I am?


The publicist of Hop!

Going to apologize to me for this rant!

When was the last time you missed me?

Just a moment ago.

for some quiet.


When was the last time you cooked?

Not long ago we hosted Chef Israel Aharoni.

I was the nicest and made a blue cheese cake and a salad of dried leaves in his honor, but he wouldn't even taste it.


When was the last time you regretted something? 

Well, don't you understand yet???

When I agreed to participate in this section!


When was the last time you felt jealous?

Listen, I live in a garbage can, everyone has a reason to be jealous of me all the time.

When was the last time you checked your bank account?

My OP account is always in the plus, even though I'm always in the red.

What is the scariest thing that has happened to you?

On the way here I met fans who wanted to take a picture with me hugging.

I was shaking with fear!

When did you first come to Sesame Street?

I came to Sesame Street almost 40 years ago.

Oscar, a relative of mine who lives in America, recommended me to visit Sesame Street.

At first I didn't find my place, everything on Sesame Street is som and magical and som and wonderful... everyone is friends and everyone is happy, it's way too much for me, but over time I realized that this is my home.

What to do if the car is stuck?

Well, I moved from the car to live in a dumpster and the truth is that no one is happy with me, even though I'm here.

And it's annoying!


Moisha Opnik, a doll from the original Israeli version of Sesame Street, which was broadcast on educational television between 1983-1987, survived the move to the Hop! channel.

("Hop! I know"), and participated in campaigns (Home Front Command, Hot).

Opnik is voiced by Gilles Ben David.

These days, Moshe Opanik is starring in "Elmo's talk show", starting October 9 on the Hope channel!

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